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 "Ow!" I heard a voice say. I realized that I had hit someone with my cart. Curious, I scooted out from under the F-150 I was fixing, when I saw the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

  She had brown/ caramel wavy hair that was tucked behind a lavender silk headband, and was wearing a light violet flowery romper. She looked to be about 5-4", a little shorter than me. I would have kept staring if she hadn't started talking. "If you are done checking me out, I would like an apology," She said, crossing her arms.  "I-I'm sorry, how can I help?" I asked, eager to change the topic.

 "My dad's truck is making this weird noise that sounds like it's coming from the engine, can you fix it for me?" 

 "Sure, just let me straighten out this gas pipe and I will get started on it. If you want, you can sit on that chair over there," I replied, pointing to the fold-up chair about 10 feet from me. 

 "Thanks," she said, and sat down. "So, I hear this is the best garage in town."

  I laughed, "Yeah, 'Hephaestus' Auto Repair and Body Shop' The one and only.  My dad built this place, it's actually where he met my mom. But uh- anyway. Can I ask your name, Sunshine?" 

 She raised an eyebrow. "Calypso, nice to meet you. And you are..." she trailed off, waiting for an introduction. "Leo Valdez, but the ladies call me the Super-Sized-McShizzle. All 'da' ladies love Leo," I said. 

 "I'm sure," she said, picking some lint off of her dress. "Okay," I said, straightening up,"I will get started on this truck, and it will be ready by about 6:00 tomorrow. You can just pay for it when you come to pick it up."

 "Thank you," She picked up her bag and headed out the door. "See you later, Repair Boy!" She said, then walked off.

 "Oh my gods," I said to myself. She was definitely something. I will have to ask my half-brother, Charles, about it later, I thought.

 As I picked up my hammer, I gasped! My tattoo was changing, not only did it have a dancing woman on it, but there was something under it. I squinted a bit, and saw that it said, "Sunshine."

 Well crap! Not only do I in fact have a soulmate, but I know who it is!

 Oh man, Percy is going to have quite a long phone call from me tonight.

Soulmates! A Heroes of Olympus AUWhere stories live. Discover now