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I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring at 5:45 AM.

Groaning, I managed to get out of bed and realized it was the first day is school. Hooray. I picked up the outfit I had put the night before and headed out not the bathroom.

Once I was ready, (hair, small amount of makeup, and dressed) I looked in the mirror. I was wearing a white t-shirt with grey varsity stripes on the sleeves, a grey flannel around my waist, and jeans. I pulled my hair up in my go-to high pony tail and sighed. "That's about as good as it's gonna get," I muttered, pulling my backpack over my shoulder and heading downstairs.

I grabbed a protein bar and a bottle of water, no one else was awake so why bother making breakfast?

I turned the key in the lock of our apartment when I heard the sound of footsteps coming from above me. I looked up, but the person was already gone. Not bothering to think about it, I practically flew down the stairs to the lobby of our building.

Just as I knew they would be, I saw my two best friends, Piper and Hazel. "Annabeth! You ready for school?" Piper asked me. "I guess. I'm just not excited about some of the people there (cough Drew Tanaka cough). Other than that I guess so," I replied. She looked like she didn't believe me but I started walking with them on the sidewalk.

"I'm excited about hopefully finding our soulmates," Hazel said, with a bit of a dreamy look in her eyes. "Don't remind me, I don't really think I'll find my soulmate," I said.

"Please, if anything you'll meet him on the first day. Besides, how hard will it be to find him? I for one can't wait to meet mine!" Piper said. I swear she gets more obsessed with finding hers every year.

"Welcome to Goode high," I told my friends, glad to change the subject. This was our junior year here, but it had become a tradition every year to say it.

Goode was a pretty nice school. Almost everyone knew of each other, just didn't always know them well.

We have the classic jocks: Mark, Liam, Eli, Jake, and Mason. The cheerleaders: Kelli, Chloe, May, Kylie, and their ringleader, Drew. Gods, I really hated her.

Oh, not to mention the nice group of boys. They were Percy, Jason, Frank, Leo, and Nico. I knew Percy did swimming and track, I'm pretty sure Jason plays basketball, Frank does football, and Nick and Leo do their own thing. I honestly have no idea how they are all friends, but they are. They never really bother me, so I never really minded them.

And we were coming up on the rest of our group now. Katie, Rachel, Reyna, Calypso, and Thalia were talking in a corner by the lockers. "Hey!" Piper said, waving to the girls. They looked up and smiled.

We made our way over to our usual table in the cafeteria, since school didn't start for 20 more minutes, we were allowed to talk.

"How was your summer?" I asked the other four. "Well, I pretty much gardened and cooked all summer long," Calypso said, tucking hair behind her ear. She looked so pretty, with her caramel colored wavy hair and flowery romper. "I coached 4 boot camps," Reyna replied. She was pretty with her French braid down her back. Reyna never got a soulmate tattoo, and honestly, she's happy with it. She wants to be an olympics coach when she's older, so she doesn't want the distraction.

"I hosted a gardening club and vacationed in Maine for a week," said Katie. She had blonde hair pulled into a ponytail, with a yellow blouse tucked into her light purple shorts. "I just stayed in my pajamas and painted all day," Rachel said, trying to pick the pink paint off her finger. She too didn't have a soulmate, she didn't really want one anyway. She had paint splattered jeans and a white t-shirt on that really made her red hair pop.

Piper and Hazel filled the others in on their summer while I looked at my schedule. I had History, Math, Science, AP English III, Architecture studies, P.E, and choir. Why they made me do those last two is beyond me.

The bell rang and we all got up. "See you guys at lunch!" I told them.

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