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"Bye, Jason!" I called as I walked into the elevator and pushed the L button. I guess Tony had gone off shift.

Jason walked in with me, being a gentlemen I guess. "You know, if you want my number you ca just ask," I said,trying to embarrass him. His eyes widened and he turned a deep shade of red. "No, tha-that's not what, that's not what I was doing. But, could I have your number?" He asked, looking sheepish. I gave him my phone to make a contact, and he did the same. "Thanks for letting me come over," I said, looking at him. He looked at me and smiled a bit, "No problem, it was my pleasure."

"Bye, Piper," Jason said, "Bye Jason!" I answered, waiting for the crowd of tourists to walk past me. To my surprise, they hurried along and I didn't stop to think about it.

Quickly as I could, I walked right out of the lobby and into the cold fall air, wishing I had a jacket. I picked up my phone and checked the time, 6:13. 'Not too bad,' I thought. After walking about 10 more blocks, I walked into my penthouse and popped down on the couch. Don't judge me, I'm a teenager.

"Hey, Dad?" I called to my dad who was currently reading the script for his new blockbuster.

"Yes, Sweetie?"

"What are the chances you meet your soulmate in junior year?"

"Not very high, I guess. Why?" He peeked his head over the railing two floors above and gave me a curious look.

"Oh, just wondering! Thanks though," I said, as I walked into my room on the third floor.

My room was pretty basic, yet nice.There were dark plum colored curtains, an off-white dresser with bronze knobs, a dark purple bedspread with dark blue and light pink feathers on it, and in the far corner I had a dark blue couch. I tossed my backpack on the floor near my dresser and laid on my bed. There was no way I would find my soulmate this year! But hey, I can still hope for a miracle.

Besides, I can play matchmaker with my friends. I kicked off my vans, pulled on an old t-shirt and pajama pants, and got under the covers, thinking of whoever my soulmate could be.

I just didn't know that my soulmate was wondering the same thing.

Soulmates! A Heroes of Olympus AUOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora