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"Help," I said as I plopped my books down on our usual lunch table. Annabeth laughed, "What do you need help with?"

I sighed as I sat down next to her. "Everything. It is the first day of school and I have three chapters to review, an essay to write, and I have to look for my soulmate. Life is exhausting."

Annabeth rolled her eyes. Hazel and Calypso joined us, followed by Reyna, Rachel, and Thalia. We ended up talking about schoolwork and other things until the daily topic got brought up: crushes.

"So, I think Jason Grace has a thing for Ms.McClean," Rachel said. I blushed a little, did he? "Yeah, right. He is always so suave and macho, why would he like me?" I asked, taking a bite out of my salad.

"Yeah, Pipes. Jason clearly likes you. He has had a crush on you since freshman year," Thalia said. I needed to change the subject, "What about you Annabeth? Any idea on who your soulmate is?" I asked her. She looked up from her book. "I mean, not really. Whoever he is, is definitely enrolled at Goode. I have a feeling, so that must make it easier to find." I knew this was killing her. Annabeth hated not knowing things.

"I think I might have some new idea on who it could be," Hazel said. I know where this was going, she would never tell us. "But I'm not telling!" She smiled, playfully. Knew it, I thought.

We talked and teased a bit more until the lunch bell rang, signaling that we had two minutes to get to class. "See you guys after school," I told them. Annabeth, Hazel, and I had AP English III next, so we walked to that class together.

We came in right before the bell rang, which was pure luck if I do say so myself. Mr.Blowfis, our teacher, pointed to the last row where there were 3 empty seats, all behind some boys. As I got closer, I realized that these boys were none other that Percy Jackson, Frank Zhang, and oh- Jason Grace.

Hazel sat behind Frank, I sat on the left behind Jason, and Annabeth sat in the middle behind Percy.

"Okay class, now that we have called roll, I would like for everyone to partner up for a project," I began to ask Annabeth if she wanted to be partners, but Mr. Blowfis spoke first. "I will be choosing them. Piper and Jason," What!!!! Us, together, as partners??? "Percy and Annabeth, Hazel and Frank," he continued
naming the pairs and I waited for him to explain what the project was about.

"We will be getting to know each other, and then writing an essay about that person. This will be due by the end of the month, and from now on, all partners for any assignment will be the ones I listed today." The bell rang, and students filed out of the classes and into the hallways. "Pi-Piper?" I heard someone say, I turned around and saw that the voice belonged to Jason Grace. I gave him a small smile and he continued talking. "I was wondering I-if you wanted to come over to my place later to work on the project?" He asked, his sky blue eyes looking into mine. "I'd like that, see you at 5:30?" I asked. "I have practice that ends at 5:00, we can go after. If you want, you can watch," he said. "Sure, see you then!" I replied.

As I walked to my next class, only one thought was in my head. Why am I so excited about hanging with Jason Grace??????

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