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Two Months Time Skip: 

Life with a child couldn't be more interesting, especially for Shigaraki. No one ever, seriously ever, thought Shigaraki of all people, would have the most fatherly nature. Since day one, Izuku refused to be with anyone else; he would cry for hours if his "daddy" was no where in sight. It just worked out that Izuku wanted a father that had his face covered with a hand...

As the weeks rolled on, it was noticeably apparent, Shigaraki couldn't live without knowing where the infant was either. There was a minor incident that would have destroyed the L.O.V had Shigaraki not solved the mystery. 

The bar was filled with members of the league, news had gotten out about Izuku and all came to pay their respects to the 3rd generation leader. Baby Izuku sat on the floor in the designated baby corner with his toys. If anyone had a brain, they knew better than to try and hurt the child - so Shigaraki didn't have a guard stationed next to the child. 

While he conversed with a few members, Himiko and Dabi watched a lovely and funny video about babies eating lemons. With the over-protective daddy busy entertaining the others, Dabi and Himiko took it upon themselves to nurture the young baby in the ways of the world - of sour items. 

Dabi sauntered off to the kitchen to grab half a lemon, which Kurogiri unknowingly provided; Himiko went and found their little bundle of joy, playing with his blocks. She quietly picks up him and runs to their check point. Her frilly giggles echoing as she ran down the hall. 

A minute and few seconds go by and someone made a comment: Where did the kid go? Did 'ya see 'em? 

Shooting out of his chair, Shigaraki scans the room in a beast like manner. 

"WHERE IS IZUKU!?" The entire room hushes - there was no sound of a baby cooing. Scanning the room once more, a light bulb clicked. Where were his two most frequent henchmen???


At the same time, while Shigaraki figures out who is at the cause of this trouble. Dabi is waiting for Himiko to arrive with the kid. His bedroom door swings open with Baby Izuku twirling around in the crazy blonde's arms. 

"Stop it, you're going to make the kid puke. And I'm not cleaning it up." Dabi is leaning against the wall; Himiko approaches the tall villain with a dizzy little baby. 

"Alright Izu~~ Now be a good boy and take a taste of this!" And of course, if you put a new object in front of a curious baby - he would want to put it in his mouth at least once. Baby Izuku willing takes a tiny nibble. 

A moment of silence weighs heavy on the two adults - what kind of face would Izuku make???

Well he made a face; he also screamed at the top of his little lungs, alerting his very aggressive surrogate father...

In a quick flash, Izuku is back in Shigaraki's possession, while Himiko and Dabi have several lumps and bumps for their stupidity. 

"What is wrong with you two!? Why in the hell did you feed him a lemon!?" Izuku is drooling and whining from the most uncomfortable taste in his mouth. 

"Awww come on Shigi --- it was all in good fun! It's not like I tied him to the end of a rope and used him as bait for crocs. Hee hee." 

And there goes another fist to her head. 

"Stop taking my son without my permission!" Having settled down, Baby Izuku had reached his little hands to pat his father-figure on the face. 

"I'm fine Izu, come on...time for your bottle." Walking out of the room, Dabi waited for their leader to be out of sight and hearing distance. 

"Toga, you think the boss has gotten soft? I mean, look at the way he treats the kid. When it comes time to train him - do you think he will be blood thirsty enough to do it?" Himiko had wondered the same thing. 

Was Shigaraki turning into a big softie???

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