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***Hi Everyone, sorry for the delay - but I was really fighting on how to end this series. As much as I loved writing these stories, I'd like to write more fanfics and potentially other genres. I hope you all enjoy the last chapter. 

- All my love, 

AMM ***

"Papa...are – are you okay?" Izuku cuddles closer into his father's neck, wrapping his arms tighter.

"Yeah buddy...papa's okay. I'm better than okay." Shigaraki squeezed just a little harder – making sure his son was actually real and he wasn't dreaming. Eri couldn't believe her eyes either, she dashes and collides with a cute thump. The horned girl starts climbing up her father's side, trying to get to her brother.

"IZU! You're home!" Eri reaches Izuku and hugs him as hard as she can. The children hug, smile and cry all at once – they couldn't contain themselves. Everyone just smiled and silently cried. However, their happiness would not last long.

"Boss, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we have to leave." Dabi eyed his other companions. Shigaraki was filled in on how Izuku was found and what it took to get him away from the authorities. And like Dabi said – they couldn't stay.

"Alright – start packing. Take only what we need and let's hurry. I'm sure that rat is already on the move." Shigaraki looked to his mother and Kuro to start the packing process while he got the kiddos situated.



"Nezu, are you sure we should be chasing after the child? Because of this pursuit, we've had a wave of blue flame engulf an entire substation, injuring not only our own – but the people we've sworn to protect..." After the subway incident, several pros – including All Might, confronted Nezu on the plan of chasing after Shigaraki and Izuku.

"Why is it so hard for all of you to understand. That child is the key to the end of one of the most dangerous villains we have yet to face. Less we forget the damage he has done to you All Might. This is something we cannot let slide away. I know today's events were...disastrous – but change cannot come without some sacrifices." Heaving a heavy sigh, Nezu falls back into his office chair and awaits another wave of complaints.

"Listen! Chasing after one child is causing more harm than good. We all have jobs to do – chasing a toddler, who has no interest in being with us, is downright stupid!" Recovery Girl was at her wit's end. Her hospital was brimming with injured people - luckily her team was built for this kind of event – but it shouldn't have happened.

Endeavor stood with his arms bandaged and in brooding silence. He was all about getting revenge on that zombie woman – but not at the expense of losing money if they continued to follow Nezu and his stupid demands.

"I am done with this hunt. The child is of no use or concern to me. By the looks of it – those villains have all grown soft and just want the kid. Why the hell do we care what he turns into? Best case – we defeat him as a villain and throw his feathery ass in jail." Endeavor didn't even wait for a response – his agency has gone long enough without him.

Nezu was a little surprised, he thought of all people – Endeavor would see this battle to the end – apparently he drew the line at loss of money. Before he could say more, All Might and Recovery Girl also left – their faith slightly broken.

"(sigh) Honestly, humans are ridiculous – they are not willing to sacrifice in order to gain the upper hand. What to do now?" Nezu sat silently in his office chair – quietly admitting defeat. Granted – there will be an opportunity to remove Izuku from Shigaraki again - he just had to be patient...


Back at the cottage:

The adults were scrambling to gather all the items they needed out of the cottage...

Dabi and Kurogiri went out ahead of the group in search of their next check points and eventually a new place to call home. Shigi, Himiko and Rize worked through each room – taking only what was necessary.

Izu and Eri sat in the living room – playing with their toys and talking about everything.

"Izu? What happened to you? You have a big bruise on your head...I can see it. Do you wanna show Daddy?" Eri starred with large and curious eyes...she wanted to poke it a few times...

Izuku shook his head, knowing that his papa would have a less than happy reaction to the large lump on his head...and at the moment Eri's curious eyes and creepy-crawling fingers were scaring him more.

E: Aww, come on Izu...just let me poke it. Maybe if I poke it – it will go away.

I: ...No...

E: Why not?! It's telling me to poke it. Let me touch it.

I: No way Eri. It still hurts and Imma cry if you touch it.

The children bickered back and forth before Eri slightly lost her patience and made a grab for the lump. Izuku dodges with his angel-like speed, sliding into a cute, angled pose. Eri positioned herself for another attack – she would end the evening with continuous pokes to her brother's fat head!


Izuku and Eri look upon each other with equal determination – the wind is blowing; cherry blossoms gliding on the wind. Izuku is dressed in a black ninja suit – Eri in her pink samurai outfit. This battle will end with only one winner. (This is in their imagination – just go with it.)

Both kiddos charge at each other – for some dramatic reason – and end up head-butting each other...

Just as the kids' heads collide, Shigaraki walks in to witness the crash. As a parent, he should have been running to see if his kids were fine. But in this circumstance – he laughed. He laughed so hard Rize and Himiko came in to check on what was happening.

The kids were still on the ground – unable to move because of the pounding headache they just received.

Rize could see the joy and happiness in her son's eyes. Honestly – how he became a villain she would never know – all he needed was a tiny ball of green fluff and now he was soft and squishy as a marshmallow.

Dabi and Kurogiri return with some interesting news – apparently word had gotten out about Nezu's lack of informed decision making on capturing Izuku. He would be suffering from his decisions soon enough – but not to the degree that the group was wanting.

But Izuku and the rest of the group would no longer be chased – unless they came across a hero – in that case they were all still wanted criminals, but no biggie.

Even with the good news; the team was still being hunted by All for One and he had a tendency of holding a heavy grudge.

" we leave Shigi? I mean, the heroes aren't going to chase us anymore." Himiko really didn't want to move again – it was rather painful and annoying to run around with a backpack filled with home goods.

"I know – but I still say we move. Even though, we aren't being chased by both sides – we still can't let our guard down. At least until the kids are able to function on their own. Let's just make a home somewhere no one would think to look." Shigaraki was tired of running too.

After several hours of packing, everyone was ready to head out.

Izuku looked at his family – a smile across his slightly bruised face. He was home with his family. And no matter what, he would stay and protect the people he loved.

"Izu? Are you ready to go?" Shigaraki held out his pinky for Izuku; who sweetly took and snuggled it before heading out with the group. 

"I love you papa."

"I love you too Izu – more than you know."


*** I really hope you guys enjoyed this series. Thank you so much for taking the time to read, vote and comment. 

Love you all!***

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