An Unwelcome Guest

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The strange family of six lived on the UA Campus, seemingly unnoticed. After the sudden battle nestled in the Principal's office, the heroes thought there would be a wave of "accidents", but so far - there was barely a peep from the villains. Actually, none of them were seen outside of the building. It made some heroes wonder; were they plotting something? And if so, it has to be horrendous...right? 


Dabi splayed himself across the couch, Izuku tuckered out against his chest. Both had fallen asleep after several hours of tag - it was mainly Dabi chasing after Izuku, who was flying throughout the facility. Even though it was only a few days - everyone became extremely bored...How do normal people deal with such a...normal life? The rest of the group felt the same way - they were used to excitement, danger, the occasional car fight...Now they were stuck living a housewife life...

Shigaraki entered the living area; he had been wandering the building they were given. It was a very spacious place - the amount of rooms was absolutely ridiculous. How can a place have so many rooms and no one to occupy them. 

" done napping yet..." Shigaraki knew - Dabi didn't sleep easily, especially now. 

"Boss? Something on your mind?" Slowly sitting up, Dabi adjusted himself, leaning against the arm of the couch, he wrapped his arm around the sleeping form snuggled against his chest. 

"We need to do something. This place will drive me up a wall. I hate all this...whatever this is. We are basically prisoners for there sake of safety - but we are going to die of complete boredom if we don't figure something out." Shigi looked up from their conversation. Toga and Rize entered the room with Kurogiri behind them, a tray of food in his hands. 

"...Shigi's right...if we stay like this, we might erupt and attack the school. Or worse! We might attack each other! Shigi figure this shit out!" Toga hopped onto her boss's lap, grabbing the collar of his shirt, emphasizing her distress.

"Get. Off." Just because they were going insane, Shigaraki drew the line at physical contact with Toga. Shoving her from his lap, the decay ex-villain needed to cleanse his soul; picking up Izuku, Shigaraki cuddled the little form into his arms. 

"I have a recommendation. Kuro and I made a lovely discovery while we were exploring around. Something that will fill our boring lives - until we figure out what we are doing. Shall we?" Waiting for the others to follow, Rize's excitement began to grow. The discovery was a wanted wanted...

Moving down the hall, Rize led everyone to a set of stairs. It was supposed to lead down to the basement - or what they assumed to be the basement. After a few moments, the group arrives in front of a large double door. Pushing through, it revealed a training ground. It had different environments, ranging from the city to the deep sea. How did this all fit under such a small building! 

"Holy sh---" Before Toga could finish her surprise, Shigaraki slaps her on the hand. 

"Watch your language, Izu is still here. And I don't want him picking up any of your bad habits." Moving forward, Shigi looks around at the different areas. This would do perfectly. If they couldn't cause trouble to others, why not cause problems for each other. 

"Well...shall we begin?" A scary smirk gracing Shigi's face.


Several weeks and a few days, a couple of minutes, some seconds. 

The training grounds became the motherland for the five adults. Each day they would train until they were black and blue...which was pretty normal for Dabi. Izuku was able to watch his family train and become stronger. Sooner than expected, baby Izuku no longer wanted to be treated like a baby. He wanted to train too. 

The first few rounds ended with the cinnamon roll extra bruised. His wings were smashed a few times; he collided with a wall and of course - everyone forgot...Izuku can't swim. The days began to melt into one - training was the core of the group, and it was the only thing that they had, besides their baby. Who was no longer a baby....


A year and some months later --- (A/N: I know, I am jumping through time)

"Papa! Look I can shoot my feathers better! Lookie!" Flying above the wooded training areas, Izuku aimed and hit the target dead in the center. Over the year, Izuku's skills grew - his desire to learn and be just as strong as his papa and uncle became his reason for getting up early and sleeping late at night. 

"Good job Izu, just make sure you practice with one feather at a time. You still don't have control of all of your feathers." Extending his arms out, Shigaraki waited for his son to fly into his arms, which he did right on queue. 

"Papa, am I getting better? Am I gonna get strong just like you?" Pulling in his wings, Izuku bubbled with excitement in his father's arms. 

"Yes, yes you are. But remember. No matter how good you get, always practice. There is always someone better than you and you must be prepared to take on a challenge." Reaching the dinning area, Izuku is placed into his booster seat as Kurogiri serves them dinner. 

"Eat Izu. You need to keep up your strength. Which means, eat all of your veggies. Don't be picky." Shigaraki noticed his son's displeasure of the presence of broccoli on his plate. The family settled in for dinner, the adults discussed a plan of leaving the facility or at least getting a little more freedom. 

A large pounding on the main door took the group by surprised. In the year they've been here, they've had a lack of visitors...for good reason. Signaling Kurogiri to take Izuku, Dabi and Toga head to the door first. Ready to take on anything. 

Slowly opening the door, a very familiar beak poked his way through the tiny crack - shoving Dabi back into Toga. 

"Well now...Isn't this a surprise. According to your old boss - you all were thrown into a super secured jail cell. But here you are." The man's black hair and sharp eyes rung a bell, but it was his damn plague mask gave him away: Overhaul...

"Oh great, let me guess. You tried taking a stab at All for One. And you failed." Shigaraki starred at his archenemy with utter distain; but he couldn't help but laugh at the same predicament they were once in. 

"I took a stab - and missed. But I was able to escape with something of great value to that fat head. It's still breathing...I think." Pulling off the pack, Overhaul placed the pack on the floor, pulling back the flap. Inside, a little girl with blonde hair...and a horn was shaking. She looked up and instant fear engulfed her face. 

"PAPA! Who is she? Oh, why does she look so scared? Papa?"...

To be continued...

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