What Happens Now?

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Rize had finally snapped out of her frenzy and realized what she had done. Kurogiri held onto the woman as she cried her eyes out in utter pain and misery. How could she? How could she eat her grandchild? What kind of grandmother was she? Looking at the rest of the group, everyone was shocked, tired and drained to their core. The night of recon turned into an on-going nightmare that had one bad scenario after the other.

Shigaraki took it the worst. After Eri used her quirk, Izuku's body and injuries had healed, but he wasn't waking up. He was breathing, but he made no sound. It was as if he were dead...

Dabi and Himiko took it upon themselves to find a new place to stay. In the big city, there were plenty of empty and abandoned buildings. It didn't take them too long to find a place. It was further out of the city limits, but it would do. Located near a quiet neighborhood, stood an old library. It had a for sale sign on it, but it was rather rusty and old...

Guess no one wanted it.

Time just seemed to stop for everyone, each drudging through their tasks. It was early morning, and everyone had finally laid down to rest. The sounds of heavy breathing echoed through the room. The only person awake was Eri. She laid next to Izuku, his body still motionless. Tears began streaming down her eyes...

How could all this happen? Why did it happen?

Eventually, her wariness took control and she was soon asleep like the rest. As the day went by on the outside, in the inside - everyone slept so heavily. Shigaraki shuffled closer to the kids, he wrapped an arm around both children.


That evening, everyone was up. Overhaul had disappeared shortly after waking up - his expression empty. Izuku was still asleep, Shigaraki held him close in his arms - gently rocking him back and forth.

"Boss, what should we do? We can't stay here - someone is going to find us and we can't take another fight." Dabi and Himiko had just returned, bags of stolen goods rustled in their arms. Himiko was oddly quiet, she didn't seem like her normal self. Then again, no one seemed like themselves.

"I...don't know. For the first time, I have no idea what we are doing. We have nothing left besides each other. We are hunted on both sides - where can we go?" As pathetic as it sounded, Shigaraki was right. Where could they go?

"Daddy?! Something is wrong! Izu is shaking!" Eri sat next Izuku while she held him down, his body shook violently; foam forming at the corners of his mouth. 

The adults immediately jumped into action; Rize took Eri in her arms as Dabi and Shigaraki examined the situation. Toga assisted Kurogiri in getting hot water, clean towels and all the medicine that they had stolen along the way. 

As time ticked by, the situation kept getting worse. Izuku wasn't taking to anything they did, what were they supposed to do? What could they do? Shigaraki and Dabi felt utterly helpless - why was this happening?! 

"Kurogiri...here, take this. Come back as fast as possible. There isn't much time - we don't know what is going on with Izuku. And we need help." Handing a piece of paper to Kurogiri, Shigaraki did his best to maintain a strong demeanor; he wasn't going to lose his shit. At least not yet anyway. Kuro looked at the paper; without another word, he warped out of the room instantly. 

"What did you do?" Toga was in the dark about what just happened, but Dabi knew. And it had to be done. Before Shigaraki could say anything, Kurogiri returned - Nezu and Recovery Girl in tow. 

"I'm glad you all came to your senses, now be good for once and give me the boy. He won't last much longer in that state." Nezu held out his arms, fully expecting the child. This time, Shigaraki and Dabi couldn't argue, there was no way they could save Izuku. 

"Don't fret - the pros will care for him." Not wanting to speak any more, Nezu turned back into the warp hole. 

"...Shigi?" Toga was about to chase after the little rodent, but he was right. If they wanted Izuku to live, he needed to be with the people that could save him. 

"Shigaraki, I know you love that boy. I promise you, I will do everything in my power to save him. Once he is better, I will send for you all. But for now, please lay low. We don't want to risk anything..." Recovery Girl bowed her hand, pleading. A few seconds go by and the silence stretches - the Pro Hero took it as a sign of agreement. 

"What now?" Rize held onto Eri, she was silently crying into her grandmother's neck. 

"We wait. And hope that Izuku remembers he has a family..." Shigaraki sounded less than hopeful...

To be continued...


Hello my loves!

Thank you for waiting. I am back and ready to go again. I will do my best to upload every week! 



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