Fresh Start

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Flapping his wings, Izuku headed towards the city. He didn't know where to start, but it was better to die trying, then not try at all. The city line came into view and Izuku began to lower himself – now what? Which direction should he go? Looking back and forth, Izuku recognized a street that he had been on – it was his first day of school and his Auntie Himiko was tossing him in the air. Swooping down, Izuku floated over the street before landing on his feet.

Some of the buildings looked familiar, the cinnamon roll walked down the familiar street, recalling the direction his papa and him took on his first day back from pre-school. Eventually, he found himself in front of the old-bar, tucked away in one of the many back alleys. 

His first home...

Would it be a good idea to go in? Would there be anyone there waiting inside for him? Only one way to find out. 

Izuku pulled his wings out and flapped himself to the door knob. Twisting it a few times, it opened and Izuku flew down the hallway of his former home. 

Memories flooded through his mind...

Memories of happier times reminded Izuku how alone he was without his family. He wondered, did they miss him as much as he missed them?

A second door leading to the bar had been broken down, flying inside - Izuku saw the wreckage caused by All for One and his team. That awful old potato, he ruined everything! Because of that horrible man, Izuku wasn't with his family anymore. 

Flying around the bar, Izuku noticed his play corner. It was covered with tossed and broken furniture...

A flash of green caught his attention - it was his little green dragon - the one that his papa bought for him on their first day was in the same place that he had left it. 

Landing on the ground, Izuku pulled the creature from under the debris, wiping away the dust and dirt. The dragon had a rip across its forehead...

"" Izuku started to cry again, his tears running down his face. 

No one was here...

Turning to the door, Izuku took one last look at what was one his home. Holding onto the dragon, Izuku walked out of the bar, into the hallway and out the front door. The day was slowly slipping away, but the child didn't notice. He just walked with his dragon in his arms, crying. 

Several adults tried to help, but Izuku flew away each time. He didn't want help from grown-ups...they just seem to cause more issues. 


Meanwhile, All Might had contacted Nezu and informed him of Izuku's escape...Nezu didn't think the child would have the audacity to run away in broad daylight. 

Pros were sent out immediately to find the child, before anything bad happened. Or Izuku was found by Shigaraki. 


Izuku sat on top of a random building, overlooking the people below him. He had cried so much, hi face was completely blotchy and he was suffering from the case of the hiccups. 

(A/N: Play the song! As you read the rest of the story)

His papa, Uncle Dabi, Auntie Himiko, Grandpa Kuro, Grandma Rize and Eri...


His heart ached horribly, thinking about the days filled with laughter, their weird adventures and the constant love...

Dark clouds floated above, the sound of thunder rolling in. And of course, it started to rain. Lots of rain. 

But the change in the weather didn't seem to phase the little cinnamon roll. He just sat hunched over, with his dragon hugged tightly against his chest. 

The night wore on,  Izuku still sat on the roof, drenched in rain. His tiny body was shaking...


Several hours went by and no one could find one child. All Might had been running around the city - jumping building to building - hoping to find some trace of Izuku, but nothing. After looking around the most condensed areas, All Might eventually made his way to the building that sat over Inko's pre-school. 

Low and behold, there sat Izuku. He didn't look like he was moving. Triggering his quirk, All Might rushed to the child's side. 

"Izuku, wake up my boy. Come on!" Grabbing Izuku, All Might felt the burning temperature. Looking at his face, it was completely red - the child was having a hard time breathing. 

Without a second thought, All Might rushes home. Grabbing his phone from his pocket, he dials home. Hopping Inko would answer quickly. And she did. 

Informing Inko of Izuku's condition, both adults were planning on a long night of helping the child recover or risk losing him. 


All Might landed in front of his door, before bursting through the door, Inko was at the top of the stairs, she signaled for her husband to hurry. 

"Undress him and quickly. Get him into the tub, we need to warm him up. Once you're done, change him into these clothes and get him into bed. I am going to get some soup ready for him and medicine." Inko was in 'mama mode.'  She was a force of nature and no one could stop her. 

Minutes ticked by as both adults cared for their new son. What a way to start out...who could say their new child is from a villainous family; has the power to take down one of the greatest evils; who ran away and now is sick. 

The remainder of the night wore on and Inko took it upon herself to love and care for Izuku. All Might was worn out and had fallen asleep on the rocking chair. Izuku's fever broke sometime during the night and now he was snuggled up against Inko's neck. 

It felt so right to have Izuku in her arms, she couldn't explain it. Either way, she was happy to have him. 


Morning rolled around and everyone was sleeping. Izuku still slept in Inko's arms;  Inko tucked away under All Might's arm. Izuku woke up, rubbing his eyes and looking around. Once again, he was in a place he didn't recognize...

He looked over at All Might and his wife. They weren't bad least he felt like they were nice. Nicer than that stupid rat. He couldn't attack either of them - they had welcomed him into their home and took care of him. 

Miss Inko and Mr. All Might, they took care of me...maybe I should be nice to them...

Izuku knew he couldn't survive without someone helping him. He wouldn't give up on his family. But for now, he might as well be nice to people that didn't mean him any harm. 

Izuku climbed back into bed, wrapping his arm around Inko's neck. It was a start...

To be continued...

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