Second Chances

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Rize gun-powered through the crowd and came face to face with Endeavor; what a piece of shit. Endeavor's arms exploded in fire - he was ready to take Rize down with two blows at most. But he wasn't anticipating her speed. Her early snack gave her the extra boost to take any opponent down. Not wasting any time, Rize sucker punches Endeavor. She grabs the back if his head, shoving into the floor - making damn sure his head was at least an inch into the tiles. Rushing to Shigaraki - Rize tackles the Blue Jeanist into the wall. Her attack gives Shigaraki a window to knock out his other opponent before rushing to Dabi and Himiko. Kurogiri had Izuku in his arms; he patiently waited for the rest of the team to finish with their rumble. 

But it seemed Shigaraki and Rize had other ideas. They didn't want Nezu to get away with what he did. They wanted him to suffer. Mother and son stare at one another; their eyes confirming: BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THE RAT.

Dashing towards the animal-noid, who sat sipping his tea, Rize and Shigaraki were mere seconds away from bashing his end in. But of course, something else had to disrupt their intentions. All Might had crashed the party right in time to prevent further damage. 

"This madness needs to end here! And end it now!" All Might looked around, making sure everyone was okay. It looked like everyone was out cold. Dabi and Himiko stood next to Kurogiri, inspecting the cinnamon bundle in his arms. 

"Boss, forget the rat! We need to go now, we have Izu - let's get out while everyone is out!" Dabi ran forward, making sure to avoid the powerful hero. Shigaraki had Nezu by the throat, he was just one finger away from wiping this beast away from existence. 

Dabi wrapped his hands around Shigaraki's arms, pulling them back as much as possible. 

"Co'mon boss, let's go! We have what we want. We can't take on All Might..." Dabi continued to pull until Shigaraki released his grip. 

"I wouldn't leave if I were you. If you and your group leave the campus grounds. All for One will be waiting for you. You will all die..." Nezu had pushed himself off the ground; brushing away the dust and dirt. 

"If you claim to love the child and your group as you do. You should stay here. I won't take any offense to your actions; but for the sake of the child and the future of all. Stay here." Nezu looked at the group; and then directly at Shigaraki for a final answer. 

"And why the hell should we trust you?! You stole my son! Why the hell would I accept help for someone who doesn't see us as human!" Shigaraki had yelled so loud, it woke little Izuku. The green broccoli cried, reaching his tiny arms for his papa. His tears and boogers oozed from his little face. Forgetting about his anger - Shigaraki reached for his son, cuddling him into his arms. 

"There, there. Don't cry. Papa's here. Do you have an owie you want to show me?" Shigaraki watched as his son smudged boogers and tears onto his shirt and patted to his head. Rize released herself from All Might's hold and moved closer to her grandson, feeling the bump. 

"Oh Izuku - can you forgive grandma? I didn't mean for you to be taken away." Rize was in tears - she was so afraid she had lost her family. 

"Gamma! No cry, no cry. Izu stop cry. Pommise." Izuku raised his arms, wanting his grandma to pick him up. 

Heroes began to wake up; a few were shocked to see how loving Shigaraki could be. The Shigaraki that could erase you from this world. The ex-villain held onto the baby as if he were the most delicate thing. 

"Uhh, Nezu. Are you really serious about keeping those villains here? I mean, what would society think. A HERO school - protecting villains that have taken lives." Jeanist didn't know why he asked such a question - he and everyone in the room already knew, Nezu had made up his mind and there was no going back. 


"Here you go. It's nothing glamorous, but it's comfortable for all of you to live here without too much trouble." Nezu had led the group to the furtherest part of the campus - it was mainly a training facility used by the Pros. One of the buildings was converted to a livable space for the misplaced, ex-villain family. Izuku popped his wings out and proceeded to fly around the room. 

"Izu, don't fly so fast. Papa needs to put ice on your head." Shigaraki looked around and liked what he saw. It was better than the bar and it was meant to take a hit - better than the cottage. 

"Please get comfortable - after we get through a few loops, you'll be able to walk around the campus." Nezu bowed his head.

"And what loops are those? You haven't really told us anything about why we are here and what you plan on doing to us." Dabi threw himself onto the couch and waited for the furry creature to discuss his plan. 

"We can discuss that another day - but my goal is to keep you all protected. But that is merely on the premises of Izuku loving each of you. If he had no connection - I'd probably have you all thrown into the high security jail and let you rot. Alas, that is not an option. Now, I take my leave." Bowing again, the rat exits the building. 

"I hate that thing...and I don't trust him." Dabi leaned back and closed his eyes. Life just got ten times worse...not only were they were being hunted by their former employer - they just became hostages to their enemy. Talk about shitty luck. 

"It could be worse...we could be in jail...or your dad could recognize you and you'd be screwed..." Himiko jumped onto the couch, onto of Dabi - who promptly threw her off. 

"Well boss? We staying here?" Dabi looked up, Shigaraki was drained - oh could blame him though. 

"For now...let's take advantage of this. At least one thing is guaranteed - Izuku will be save and for a time. So will we." 

To be continued...

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