Chapter One

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"So, you still have no word on any family for little Matthew?" Molly asked.

"Nope," Alyssa shook her head. "The system told me that if they don't find anyone within the next month, I can adopt him."

They were decorating the place for Mathew's birthday party. "Can you believe he is two years old? It still seems like yesterday that it picked up a tiny newborn from the foster care agency."

"I know. I can still picture is trying to put all of his stuff together. The crib? Now, that was quite a show." Molly laughed.

"I know. Who knew it was so hard to care for a newborn?" Alyssa shook her head. "I hope they don't find anyone. I know it is selfish of me, but he is mine."

Molly just shook her head, "I knew you would get attached."

"Molly, how could I not? He is precious. Do you know what it will do to him if someone was to take him? I am the only family he has."

"Well, he does have another one, Lyssie. There is one somewhere. Didn't they say they had no clue who the father was?"

Alyssa nodded. "Yes, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't know. He could have abandoned him too."

"Well, we never know. Enough talk about that. We have a birthday to celebrate." Molly said.

Alyssa turned when she heard the door open. It was her mom and Matthew.

She walked up and plucked her baby from her mother's arms. "Hey baby boy. Are you ready for the party?"

He grinned and waved his arms above his head. He began to dance in her arms, "party, party. Matthew has party."

They all laughed. Matthew was such a happy child. Alyssa hoped he stayed like this forever. No matter the outcome. She carried her son outside to the party.

Today, she was celebrating. Her son was still with her after two years. She just hoped it continued.


Spencer Walker had always vowed to never return to this town. He pulled into the hotel parking lot and just stared. What was he doing here? Why did he have the urge that something, someone, needed him back here.

When Sarah Rivers broke his heart two and a half years ago, he said he would never come back. But, today, his plane had landed in the place where he didn't want to be. Louisville, Colorado.

He sighed and got out of his car. He didn't know how long he'd be here, so he had decided to rent a room. He didn't plan on staying here forever.

His mind went back to the reason he was here: Sarah. He wanted to find her, and he wanted to know why she left him when she did.

He received the key to his room and dropped off his stuff. He set out on his adventure to find Sarah. He had all summer. He didn't care how long it took. He just wanted answers. He has always felt that there was some secret she had been keeping. What was it?

He didn't know, but he was going to find out.

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