Chapter Five

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Alyssa gaped at him. Marriage? She just met the guy today.

"Spencer. We can't get married. I don't even know you. Do you know what my family will think?"

He stood and walked to her. "Alyssa, I know. But, what other choice do we have?"

Alyssa sighed and put her face in her hands. "Okay. How will this work though? I mean, a wedding, Matthew's adoption."

"We could do a small wedding. Nothing too fancy. I was thinking close family. And afterwards, you could fully adopt Matthew. With marriage, he will be both of ours."

Alyssa nodded. "Okay. We can do it. When?"

He shrugged. "I guess whenever you are ready. I don't want to rush you."

Alyssa laughed. "I am already being rushed by you. A marriage between two strangers." She paused. "Could we wait about two weeks? I need time to talk with Molly. I still can't believe she kept this from me."

He nodded. "Okay. Yeah. Sounds good. What about Matthew? Can I see him in between now and then?"

She nodded. "Yes. Of course. We will have to meet with wedding plans anyways."

"Right." He smiled. "I guess we should exchange numbers."

They exchanged numbers with each other. Alyssa looked down to the sleeping child in her arms. "I guess I should get him home. He's had a busy day."

"Here, let me take him." He reached over and plucked Matthew from her arms. Together, they walked towards her car.

He said goodbye and Alyssa drove off.

What on earth was she doing?

"I can't believe you kept this from me Molly!" As soon as she got home, Alyssa went on the search for the picture that Matthew had. She found it under his pillow. She called Molly and asked her to come over.

"Alyssa, I am so sorry." Molly cried.

"No, Molly. You have known all this time. And his mom is your step sister? Why Molly?"

Molly shook her head. "I did it to protect you. I never told you because I didn't want to hurt you."

Alyssa put her face into her hands. "What hurts me more is that you never told me. You told Matthew, and he is only two. Why could you not tell me? What happened to best friends tell each other everything?"

"Alyssa, really. I am sorry. I should have told you. I never told Spencer because Sarah didn't want him to know. She wanted Matthew to know eventually."

"Why didn't she want Spencer to know? He's a great guy. We actually met up today."

"He had his life all planned out. He moved to Africa, and she didn't want to follow. She ended their relationship and found out she was pregnant. She didn't want to ruin his life."

"Well, now he knows. A friend of Sarah's told him everything." Alyssa stared at her best friend. "I get that you wanted to protect me and Matthew. But, I wish you would have told me. I forgive you, but promise not to keep anything else from me?"

"I promise." She placed her hand on her chest. "Now, what about Matthew? How will you still keep him?"

"Actually," Alyssa paused. "I need your help. Not with a custody battle. I need help with a wedding."

"A wedding? What? Alyssa what are you talking about?" Molly stared her down.

"Spencer and I are getting married. That way we can both keep Matthew legally. If we went through court, he would automatically win. So, I need your help by planning a wedding."

"Okay," Molly shrugged. "When is it?"

"Two weeks," Alyssa smiled.

"Okay!" Molly squealed. "I have always wanted to plan a wedding! Can I be your maid of honor?"

"Whatever makes you happy, Molly." Alyssa smiled. "Now, let's plan this wedding."

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