Chapter Nine

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"I can sleep on the couch tonight. Or, I can move Matthew over and sleep with him." Spencer said watching her.

She laughed. "I'm sure that will be a sight. A grown man trying to fit in a toddler sized bed. And, you don't have to sleep on the couch."

He nodded. "You keep saying that, but I just don't know. We don't even know each other. I think it's best that I sleep on the couch. You know, until we get to know one another better."

She nodded. "Okay. That may be better. For both of us. You know where I am if you need anything."

"Yes, ma'am." He saluted and went back to the living room.

She smiled and went into her room. This was going to be a long night.

Alyssa woke up to the smell of breakfast: eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns.

She smiled when she remembered who was in the kitchen. She knew Spencer had done this. He told her last night that he wanted to cook for her one day.

She got up and went towards the kitchen. She stopped by Matthew's room and saw that he was already up. She heard talking in the kitchen, so she walked slowly. She didn't want them to see her.

"Mommy sleeping?" She heard Matthew ask.

"Yep. She needs to wake up. Or we will eat breakfast without her. We are very hungry boys."

Alyssa smiled and walked into the kitchen. She placed a kiss on Matthew's head and said, "you guys better not eat all the food. Mommy is hungry too."

"Matthew," Spencer began. "I think mommy was spying on us."

Alyssa laughed. "Oh no. I got busted. Matthew, can you save me?"

Matthew shook his head. "Nope. Mommy in trouble."

Alyssa looked at her son in shock. Since when did he act so grown? And when did he stop siding with her.

She walked over to Spencer. "That smells good. I guess I should let you cook more often."

He smiled. "I don't mind it. When you live alone for so many years, you have to learn to cook. I'll be happy to cook from now on."

Alyssa shook her head. "Nah. I like cooking too. How about we cook together. Except for today. You are doing amazing."

"Sounds good." He said. "As long as I can wake up before you and cook breakfast. Matthew told me you guys normally eat cereal. It is time for you to eat more."

Alyssa looked to her son. "You weren't supposed to tell him. That is our secret." She turned back to Spencer. "We ate that because we are always in a hurry. It was quick and easy."

"Well now you have me." He smiled.

Alyssa smiled. She had been doing that a lot lately. "I am making coffee. Would you like some?"

"Sure." He smiled at her.

"I want coffee!" Matthew squealed.

"No coffee, Matthew. How about chocolate milk?" Alyssa asked him.

Matthew stuck out his lip and said, "okay, mommy."

Alyssa poured a glass for her son and finished the coffee.

Again, they gathered around the table and are as a family. Conversation was carried much easier this time around.

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