Chapter Seventeen

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The next month and a half flew by. Alyssa went to work, and then went to lunch with Spencer. Everyday after work, they dedicated their time to Matthew. Their relationship continued to grow.

It was now mid April. Easter was next weekend. It would be their first holiday as a family. Spencer woke up Saturday morning and asked, "what is on the agenda for today?"

Alyssa smiled. They were alone. Molly wanted to keep Matthew, so they went on a date last night. "First, we need to pick up our son. Easter is next Sunday, and he hasn't seen the Easter bunny yet."

"Okay. Where is the Easter bunny located?"

"The mall. Molly is coming with us. She is going to keep him entertained while we shop. I need to get things to fill his basket."

Spencer got out of bed. "Looks like we have a busy day. We better go eat some breakfast." He grabbed her hands and pulled her to the kitchen. "What do you two do for Easter?"

"Matthew wakes up here and checks out his goodies. We eat breakfast, and we go to the church. Every year, the church puts on an Easter egg hunt for the children. Then, we go to my parents' place for lunch."

"Sounds fun. Can't wait." He looked in the kitchen. "What do we want to eat?"

"I don't know. I need to go grocery shopping. With three people in the house, food seems to just disappear."

"How about we keep it simple?" He pulled down a box of Cheerios and grabbed some milk. "How is this?"

She nodded. "Perfect. It is quick and easy. I also need to buy candy for the eggs. Man, do we have a lot of shopping to do."

He laughed. "Don't worry. I'll be there the entire time. I don't mind shopping."

"You are a very sweet guy. You watch romance movies, you cook, and you like shopping. I should have married you sooner."

She looked at him and laughed. She tried to eat her cereal, but it was making her sick. She thought she was coming down with something.

When he asked what was wrong, she just shook it off. It would pass. She couldn't let a little sickness bring her down. They had a busy day ahead of them.

"What are we doing here, mommy?" Matthew asked when they pulled in at the mall.

She turned to her little boy. "We are going to see the Easter bunny."

"Yay!" Matthew clapped his hands.

Alyssa smiled. She still wasn't feeling well, but she pushed those feelings aside. She was having family time today. She needed to stay focused.

Spencer must have saw her expression. He touched her arm. "Sweetheart, are you okay?"

She nodded. "Yeah. I'm fine. I think I'm just tired."

"You sure?" He was concerned.

"Spencer, honey, I am fine. I promise."

He nodded and grabbed Matthew from the car. "Alright then. Come on little buddy. Let's go see the Easter bunny!"

Alyssa watched as her two men walked into the mall. Her heart was overwhelmed. She walked in after them and tried to remain calm.

She sighed when she saw Molly. Molly can sense when something is wrong.

Why did I have to be sick today, Alyssa thought to herself.

Because of MatthewWhere stories live. Discover now