Chapter Fourteen

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Alyssa walked into the kitchen, and she was amazed. Whatever he was cooking smelled delicious. She walked over towards him and leaned on the counter. "So, what are you cooking tonight?"

He jumped and shook his head. "You have really got to stop sneaking up on people like that. You about gave me a heart attack. And, I am not telling you. It's a surprise."

Alyssa laughed. "A surprise? Like what? Are you trying to kill me? Is there poison in this food?"

He laughed. "Maybe." He saw her expression and smiled. "I'm kidding Alyssa. It is a secret family recipe. My grandma used to make it, and I picked it up from her."

She slapped his arm. "Don't ever do that to me again. That was very rude."

"Payback." He smiled.

"For what?" She asked staring at him.

"Sneaking up behind me."

She held up her hands. "It won't happen again. I promise."

"You better." He laughed. He held out a spoon towards her. "Here. Taste it. Let me know what you think."

She leaned forward while he placed the spoon in her mouth. She sighed when she tasted it. "Wow. That is delicious."

"I know. Thanks for appreciating my cooking."

"I think I will take you up on your offer. You can cook from now on. Just, try not to make it too good. I don't want to eat too much."

He laughed. "I'll try not too." He turned off the stove and grabbed plates. "Ready to eat?"

"Am I ever. Let's do this."

He smiled and fixed her plate. The two of them sat across from each other at the table. For once, it was the two of them.

Alyssa found herself wondering what would happen next. She decided to start conversation.

"So, tell me about the new job. How did you get it so quick? You just applied today."

He shrugged and had a puzzled look. "I thought the same thing. The manager looked at my application and said 'you're hired. See you tomorrow.' I thought it was pretty crazy. He didn't even interview me."

"Well, he will have a good cook on his hands. I know you won't let him down. I might stop by for lunch one day."

"I'd like that." He smiled.

They finished eating, and he grabbed her plate. She followed him to the kitchen and helped him with the dishes.

"What do we do now?" He asked. "We have no child to keep us entertained."

"I know." Alyssa agreed. "I'm not used to Matthew being gone. I guess we could watch a movie. I have a Netflix account."

"Sounds good to me. Got popcorn?" He asked.

"In the cabinet," she nodded.

"I'll be right back then."

When he went off for the popcorn, Alyssa turned on the television and hooked up Netflix. She had no clue what they would watch, so she just left the main screen up.

Spencer returned with a big bowl of popcorn. "Hope your hungry. I like a lot of popcorn with my movie. What are we watching?"

She handed him the remote. "I don't know. Why don't you look. I'll watch pretty much anything. Just nothing scary."

"Okay. Nothing scary. I don't watch those either. They kinda freak me out. Those have never been for me." He walked over and sat beside her on the couch.

After five minutes of scrolling through the movies, they finally settled down and watched The Notebook.

She has never gotten anyone to watch this movie with her. Not even Molly. She could really get used to Spencer being around.

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