Chapter Thirteen

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"What do you mean you haven't told him yet, Alyssa? This is your husband! He should know this stuff!" Molly screamed at her through the phone.

"Molly, calm down. I know I should have told him sooner, but I keep getting scared. Besides, we haven't even done anything. We haven't even kissed since the wedding."

"You haven't kissed him? Again, Alyssa, he is your husband!"

"I know he is my husband, Molly. Why don't you try and be married to a guy that you just met? It is very awkward."

"Well, you two need to get together and talk. Alone. Without Matthew."

"We are. Today. He is picking me up for lunch. I plan on talking to him about it then."

"Why don't I babysit Matthew tonight. I'll pick him up from daycare. You spend the entire afternoon with your husband. Matthew can even spend the night."

"Molly!" Alyssa about screamed. "What are you suggesting?"

"I just want you and Spencer to become comfortable around each other. You can't do that with a two year old. Also, your whole marriage can't be based on Matthew. That would definitely lead to a divorce."

Alyssa shook her head. "Okay, Molly. You can keep Matthew. I'll let Spencer know. We can go out to dinner I guess. And, I will bring up my situation. At least, I'll try."

"Alyssa, you better. I hate to see what happens to you guys if he doesn't find out soon."

"Bye, Molly. I'll talk to you later." Alyssa sighed and hung up the phone.

She placed her head in her hands and groaned.

"What's wrong with you?" She looked up to see Spencer standing above her.

"Oh, hi Spencer." Alyssa smiled. "I didn't hear you come in."

"It's okay. Sorry if I interrupted anything. Are you ready?"

"Actually, change of plans. Could we eat lunch here? Molly has set us up for dinner tonight. She is getting Matthew. It will be easier to eat lunch here. Saves money."

He nodded. "Sounds good to me. Where to?"

She stood. "Cafeteria? I can get us a discount."

He smiled. "I'm all about the saving money. After you."

They made the walk towards the cafeteria. "So, I got the job. As the cook at the diner. Since they only need a temporary one, it works out."

"That's great. What about when they don't need you anymore?"

"I will work at the high school here. They called me today and said they read my reviews. They said I can start the next school year. Not too long after I'm not needed at the diner."

Alyssa nodded. "Everything is finally falling into place, huh?"

They walked into the cafeteria. "So, what is on the menu for today?" Spencer sniffed.

"You have many choices. Take a look."

They both fixed plates, and Alyssa paid with her discount. They found a table in the back and sat down.

"So," Spencer smiled. "Molly set us up tonight?"

"Yes. She didn't even allow me any objections. We could go out to eat, or we could stay at home."

"How about we stay home? I could cook something. My treat since you payed for lunch."

"Okay." She smiled. "Sounds like a plan."

They are their lunch, and Alyssa smiled at him the entire time.

She was falling in love. She just knew it. Now, she just had to tell him her secret. Everything wil be perfect then. Hopefully.

Because of MatthewOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora