Chapter Three

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"Where we going, mommy?" The precious two year old in the back seat asked.

"Mommy has someone who wants to meet you, okay? He is a friend of mommy's, and he wants to meet you. We are going to the park." She tried to be calm. She really didn't want to do this. Her heart was breaking.

"Park? Yay!" Matthew squealed. If only he understood.

Alyssa sighed and pulled into the park. She began to wonder if he had already arrived. She looked around and saw a man sitting on a bench alone. That is probably him.

She got out and grabbed Matthew. She held his hand because she didn't want him to run off. The park was his favorite place.

She started walking towards the man on the bench. She knew he was Matthew's father. He had the same hair and eyes.

Spencer sat on the bench. He was going to meet the son he never knew. He let out a sigh.

He watched as a small car pulled in. He had watched every car like some kind of stalker. He tried to not make it obvious.

When this particular car pulled up, he had an instinct that it was her. He watched her park and get out. When she turned towards the back of the car, he almost cried. It was her.

They began walking towards him. There was no denying the child. Matthew was his spitting image.

The woman, his foster mother, was beautiful. Spencer felt awkward because he couldn't keep his eyes off of her. He was here to meet his son. He was not here to meet a woman.

He stood when they stopped in front of him.

She looked at him and said, "you must be the father."

He held out his hand. "And you must be Alyssa. And this must be Matthew." He looked down to the small child and smiled. He looked back to Alyssa. "My name is Spencer, by the way."

"Well, Spencer. I guess we better get to know each other."

He led them to a bench and sat down. Neither of them talked for a while. They both just stared at Matthew. The child they would now have to share.

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