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A year later...
October 17th, 2014

AS Adeline applied the last of her mascara, she ruffled her messy curls, and loosened her shoulder brown hair a bit. Her chestnut eyes shimmered as she caught her complexion in the bathroom mirror. She frowned. Dark crescent moons lived below her eyelids. No doubt from all of those sleepless nights.

Another day of work began. Another day of tackling a story. Another day of possibly no sleep at night. Another day of living in a strange city, with strange sounds, people and surroundings. Had she known going to University for her degree in journalism, communications and English, would require such travel and persistence in the field, she would have stayed an employee at Starbucks.

Adeline's lip twitched humorously. Who was she kidding? The woman would have still gone for that degree even if she knew beforehand all the work that was involved.

Breathing outwardly, she gave one final fleeting glace upon herself. Now was the time, when all that work was about to show it's true color. But first, a coffee and danish.


'Modern Pastry Shop'.

The words flashed in Adeline's eyes before she vacated the streets, and into the local bakery. The shop had caught her attention yesterday, when she had been busy scribbling down facts, but sadly her next interview for her article disrupted her intentions.

An autumn chill ran through the city air of Boston, nipping Adeline's rosebud cheeks. Fall whispered in every corner of the season. Frost in the mornings, leaves aging, daylight shortening, the smell of snow in the air, and people's breaths mingling white buffs of moisture. Really, October was Adeline's most beloved month. A season for pumpkins, sweet spices, and turkey.

Adeline tingled with excitement, and thought of her family, and how soon she'll be seated around their dinner table with a bountiful thanksgiving meal.

Americans. Such funny people. Who would have thought to have thanksgiving in November?

A miniature golden bell rang at the top of the door as she emerged into the small, decorative bakery shop. The fresh smell of pastries, and bread had engulfed her nostrils to the fullest, which enhanced a tug of her lips to draw upward. The smell, and feel of the hot ovens that worked devilishly hard in the back, brought a sense of familiarity to Adeline.

The comfortable scene aroused a clear memory, one that brought her back to her childhood when her mother baked over the stove.

Clearing her mind of such reminiscences, she curiously took in her surroundings. Brown and white checkered tile aligned the flooring, like the checkerboard inside a chess set. Sun slithered in from the front windows. Decorating the ceiling with warm honey rays, and in turn, the illumination descending to the floor, gave off a deceiving polish shine to the tile.

A quarter of the room was sectioned off for a dinning area. Light, cream colored bricks formed an arch above the entrance way. Brick had encased the entire interior of the tiny bakery.

Sparse for space, three black tables were set in the sunlit room, along with three black chairs neatly tucked under them. A white table cloth draped over each of the furniture, and completed the décor. Simple red roses in black vases had been distributed on each of the tables.

No doubt to add a more vibrant, and lively character to the whole theme of old fashion simplicity.

Three arched windows rouse from floor to ceiling in the dinning room. Civilian's bodies flashed across the streets through the glass. Their shadow passed under, and over the walls, tables, and chairs inside the building.

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