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ADELINE'S lips pursed together. She couldn't fit the pieces to the puzzle. As she watched the footage, she felt an odd feeling stir within her instincts.

Why did Jasper act the way he did?

Why did he grab Geoffrey like that?

Why didn't he do more?

All questions, and more, piled up in her head as she observed the film from the street camera; she had them written down on a pad beside herself.

At one point in the footage, Adeline studied the stranger drive away with Geoffrey. The pixels were too blurry when she zoomed in on the license plate, but that wasn't what caught her interest. She would freeze the film and stare at the ghost vehicle with an air of blankness. The car reminded her of the recent dream that she had moments ago about Chris.

None of her dreams ever came true, not like Joseph in the Bible, albeit she wished some of her remarkable ones suchlike flying had, but this one for some reason frightened her right to her core. And never had she woken up from a dream with sweat on her temple, and brow.

Adeline was beginning to classify the dream as more of a freaky nightmare, than anything else.

The journalist didn't know how long she had sat on the couch watching the tape, both pillows piled under her laptop to act as a table. She was torn away from observing Geoffrey being taken by the stranger all in black, to the bedroom door slowly creeping open, and a sleepy Mr. Evans walking out. He was rubbing one eye when she looked away from her laptop, and over at him.

Adeline waited for him to shut the door behind himself and turn around, before she snapped, "Hey." Which caused the actor to freeze in his steps.

In return, and a bit bemused, he asked, "What?" And ran his fingers through his tousled hair.

"You're supposed to be sleeping longer than that."

"What do you mean?" Chris enquired of her, and drowsily looked at the journalist with knitted brows. The way he had brought across the question, was as if he thought she was harping on him for a ridiculous thing. He nearly said, "What do you want woman?" then realized that probably wouldn't be his wises choice of words to use on her, especially after the past events that took place in the living room.

What is wrong with you Chris? he asked himself. She's not your sister, or girlfriend. You just met her for heaven's sake, and you're already becoming too comfortable around her.

She tapped her index finger on her wrist, actually tapping it on the face of her watch, and a little tink tink was heard in the quiet space of the room as she did so. "That was so not an hour." She narrowed her eyes up at him.

Chris huffed. "Actually it was mother. It's twelve thirty," he concluded, whilst dramatically placing his hands on each of his hips.

Adeline frantically pulled back her shirt's sleeve for her watch to check the time, and her mouth dropped. "I've been sitting here for an hour?" Her eyes bulged in disbelief, although she had to believe it, the time didn't lie. Gradually she glanced back up at Chris and innocently smiled. "Sorry," she quietly squeaked. He shook his head and walked away, but not before she saw the smirk elevate his mouth.

The crinkling sound of a plastic water bottle hit Adeline's ears. She kept her eyes on her laptop's screen as Chris grabbed his water, one that he had brought with him when he first entered into the hotel. She further ignored his presence when he re-entered the living room, leaving his bottled water on the small kitchen island.

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