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    ADELINE parked on the side of the street, and cut the engine to her car when she arrived at her destination. Her eyes glanced down the row of stores till they landed on the building she initially searched for. For a short second, the journalist's eyes lingered on the sign of the tall structure.

     In bold, black, fancy cursive lettering, read, "Lillian's Studio of Dance." Adeline stepped out of her small black 2010 Honda Accord, and locked the vehicle behind her with two clicks of her remote's key. 

     A gust of autumn air blew in her face, elevating her shoulder-length hair to flap behind her in waves. She pushed a few strains out of her face as she reached the door to the studio. As always, she had kept her wild and uncontrollable hair half up, and half down. 

     Seconds as she turned the nob, and pulled the door towards herself, out ran a small child no more than eight dressed in a pink tutu. Adeline stumbled back, still grasping the door, and gasped frightfully. She narrowed her eyes in on the petite child, when everything was evidently clear as to what happened, and heavily breathed out through her nostrils and scowled in the kids direction.

     She saw the last of the child's bright pink dress disappear into their parents vehicle. As she turned to make her way inside, a whole grade one class ambled out, that yet again, forced her to hold the door open for more munchkins. She threw her head back and signed, God help me.

     Near the end of the line, the school teacher gently nudged the last child out, whilst flashed a gleeful smile in Adeline's direction with an over enthusiastic, "Thank you!" 

     She smiled happily back, or what could have be mistaken as an honest grin, and thought to herself, ya I had no choice lady, your wild pack of puppies ran out before I could get in.

     When the last of the grade one students ambled out, Adeline peered in through the door to make sure no one else was walking out. Relief flooded her veins when she saw that the hall was empty. She scurried in, and her steps slowed as she carefully took in her surroundings.

     At the end of the entrance hall was the front desk, and behind the table sat a young blonde woman. She chatted on the phone with a client, from what Adeline presumed, and seemed to be coming to the end of the phone call. Adeline's intuition had been right, for the receptionist said goodbye mere seconds before the journalist had reached her, and gave a cheery smile towards Adeline. "Hi there, how may I help you?" she asked.

     Adeline reacted with a smile back, and grew instantly fond of the receptionist's crystal blue eyes. "Hi, I have a two o'clock appointment with Lillian. The name is Adeline Banks." 

     Immediately the woman tapped at her keyboard, and clicked at her mouse as she checked the schedule. Waiting to hear from her, Adeline's eyes drifted on top of the woman's desk. She had the basics. Phone, computer, a red mug full of pencils and pens—which appeared to be chipped on the rim, and behind her was a filing cabinet, fax machine, and printer. Among the few scattered papers already atop her desk, there were also some stacked off to the side.

     "No need to check Emily, she's telling the truth," said a soft feminine voice around the corner. The stranger had a box full of clothes in her arms. Adeline watched as she gently dropped it outside the door to which she ambled out of, and when she straightened to her full height, she extended a hand out to the journalist saying, "Hello Adeline, I'm Lillian Miller."

     Adeline was taken in by her beautiful raven curls that draped down to her waist, the golden tan of her skin, and her olive green eyes that seemed to sparkle in the light.

     "Hi Ms. Miller. It's so nice to finally put a face to your voice," Adeline said, grasping the dancer's hand. Last night Adeline had done more digging, and found Lillian's dance studio online, getting in contact with her. After the journalist explained why she had phoned, Lillian was hesitant, but was pleased to talk to Adeline if it got her one step closer to finding her missing son.

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