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Before we get started, I'd like to dedicate this chapter/ give a BIG shoutout to CosmicDarling . You have been a huge support ever since the beginning of this book, I am truly blessed to have met you and glad our paths crossed. And I am especially grateful for our friendship! I wish more readers would recognize that it helps a writer immensely when people vote and comment. All that said, go follow this wonderful human being ♥️

Characters: Adeline and Chris.
Scene setting: In Adeline's apartment back in Toronto Canada, just before their argument.


        OBSERVING Chris, Adeline came to realize something about the guy that she knew from the very beginning, just now the thought had been forgotten, but now was brought back to her attention.

        Some days people failed to recall that big actors and actresses are as human as any other person on this planet. They had a normal life, once. They started in their mother's womb, grew to be hormonal teenagers, and went through the struggles that life often throws at a person finding their own voice in this endlessly rapid sea of difficulties in the world.

        He had went through the ups and downs of failure, rejection, betrayal, and heartache. Chris also had to come to grips with the reality, like every sane individual does one day, of deciding what to do with his life. 

        No one else was going to point and show him his next step, he had to make it himself. The guy had done the whole 'serving coffee and running errands for others,' before becoming one of the bigwigs asking for coffee, or on a movie set requesting someone for a bottle of water.

        Now as Adeline thought to herself, now the actor is the big guy at the top who stared down at all the little guys and possibly recollecting his old self through them, and thinking once in a while, "Hey, I was once them."

        Shedding away the fame and publicity of his personal life, Christopher had friends and girlfriends without the whole world knowing who they were, or counting down the days till the relationship ended. 

        Another mind boggling idea teased her brain, when she thought of Chris finishing secondary schooling, he would have begun to emerge closer towards the unknowing career he most likely never thought he'd have. Succeeding further into his passion for acting, and did Chris ever work hard to establish the life he has now.

        No one would have known, not even the man himself, when unsuspectingly embarking to New York for an internship, innocently making calls, grabbing coffee, and setting up meetings for other actors, that soon someone would be setting up his own meeting. 

         Flying back home to Boston, graduating, then going off to someplace that wasn't his home—there he would begin his career. Adeline couldn't imagine doing such a task, she made her career only four hours away from home—that had been nothing compared to Chris' larger leap in life.

         He would not have known where Los Angeles would have taken him, but he decided to take the risk any way, and now he was in Adeline's apartment, sipping on peppermint tea with her. One of Hollywood's best simply, and casually, having a conversation with a journalist.


        The guy had a life before his career, and it wasn't till now did the whole thought occur to her. And now she saw why fame was so daunting to some in reality. It swallows up a person's life and changes them from who they once were, to someone entirely different. 

When He Calls Us Home | Chris Evans FF ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें