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    THERE was some foreshadowing in Adeline's hazel eyes to suggest the worst, but she tucked away such negativity for later. The moment Lance brought up the words cold case, immediately a light bulb, and explosions erupted within her juicy storytelling side.

     She had to suppress those pushy emotions, set them aside, address them for another time, and break them loose in her story, that has yet to come. In the meantime, her main focus was to hear Lance about this cold case.

     Lance. Lance Graham. A detective of Toronto. A man who collected evidence and facts, and who withheld them from the public eye until further clues arose, and evidently connected to the crime. Adeline, on the other hand, spilled such facts like candy being a journalist, and sucked every possible information out of her source, to bring upfront to the public. 

     There is often a tension between the police and the media. But despite both occupations being contrary to the other, Adeline and Lance seemed to have knit a close, respectful, and professional friendship that happens to only exists between certain officers, and certain reporters. 

    Although, it took quite some time for the detective to warm up around the journalist. Lance, being a widower in his 40's, a cop for seven years, and a detective for thirteen, had roughened up the old birds trust issues over the years. However hard those feathers of trust were, Adeline seemed to have been the first in many years, to have softened Lance's heart, and burrowed a special place within the detective.

     Of course Lance would never admit such a thing to Adeline in fear of denoting his masculinity. More importantly, the man had a reputation to keep in check.

     "My favorite two words," Adeline purred. "When—"

     "You can immediately start working on the case with me, once I send you a copy of the file reports, via your email."

     Ever so slightly, a corner of Adeline's lip drew upward. Lance had an odd way of predicting her questions, and sentences. Adeline even had made the joke that they finish each others sentences, to which he would first glare at her, then grunt his disapproval with a shake of his head.  

     "Roger that."

     Once hanging up, Adeline was like a cat on the race for its meaty food. Swiveling around in her office chair, the piece of furniture screeching noisily, she scrambled for her lap top, clicked away on it, and quickly made it to her email.

     She was slightly disappointed at first, when there was nothing, but a minute later, and as she refreshed her email, something from Lance came in. Her whole insides perked up. One click on her key pad and the mail opened up.   

    Hey Addy,

    We're dealing with a Child Abduction case. One year old Geffery Miller gets abducted outside his fathers apartment in Toronto in late June of 2009.

    Meet me at Queens Quay park at one p.m. I'll have a copy of the file for you then.

     Adeline silently cursed Lance for not giving more information to satisfy her. The young woman narrowed her eyes in on the date to when the little baby boy went missing. It had been five years since the child went missing. She thought of 2009 to now, 2014, and her heart had gone out to the parents of the missing child. 


    Waiting by one of the trees in Queens Quay park, eyes a cut of steel, Lance Graham leaned against the tree's trunk. Two cups of coffee occupied his hands. One black and the other two cream one sugar. Just as he knew she liked it.

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