Chapter 12/Not Nice

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"So do you know if it's going to be like we fight vampires on vampires or is it like vampires on werewolves or something. Maybe it's something with strategy! Then we would be screwed because I am horrible at that type of stuff!" Maggie says.

Right now she is keeping me company in room where I have been all day. I guess it's a hospital room because I see all these doctors around the place.

"I would think Rachel is good at strategy. She see like that kind of person." I say. I hear the door open and see someone come into the room.

"You can go now. You have enough blood to last a lifetime in you." He says.

"Well I have an eternity so I hope it will last that long." I say.

I get up and take the tubes , that were putting blood into my arms, out. I shake off any type of dizziness off me. "So where are we supposed to go? Our dorm?" I ask Maggie.

She shrugs. "I guess. We have to get you a new non-bloodstained shirt." I look down and see you can even see the drawing on the shirt because of all the blood. "And some new pants. And wash your face. And..."

"Okay I get it! A new everything!" We laughs.

We get out of the room and somebody bumps into me. "Hey watch it!" Maggie says to the person.

The girl stops walking and look toward Maggie. The girl pushes Maggie to the wall.

"Hey! Don't hurt her!"

"You got a problem with that Hybrid freak?" She laughs and then turn back to Maggie.

I take you shoulder. "If you want to mess with her you got to go through me." I say.

"Oh is that so?" I nod and crack my neck. "Do you really want to pick a fight with me?"

"The question is. Do you want to pick a fight with me." I say. She laughs.

I have to believe she is a werewolf. She has the same anger I sometimes have. She looks tough. And she wouldn't be picking a fight with another vampire so the only possible thing is that she is a werewolf.

She takes the first swing towards me. I duck and push her with enough force that she falls probably fifteen feet backwards.

After that little interaction I almost fall down but I try to stay up so I don't look weak. Maggie sees me and comes to my aid. I put one arm around her and we leave the scene. The werewolf doesn't object from us leaving she just stays on the ground.

"Thanks." I say to Maggie.

"No thank you!" She hugs me. "I would of been toast out there without your help."

"That's probably not true. You're a lot stronger than her." I say.

"Well yeah but still. She seemed pretty tough but for you...piece of cake!" I laugh. "Let's get to the dorms." I nod.


"We're all wearing the appropriate shirts right? For vampires right?" Maggie asks us looking down at our shirts.

This shirt says, 'Vampires rule!' I feel sort of self-centered wearing this shirt but I guess vampires act that way a lot. Derek is a great example.

"You're up to this right Beth?" I look up and smile.

"Yeah. Don't worry."

"Yeah. I think we'll have to worry about the people you're going to be fighting." Maggie smirks. "You're going to kick their butts."

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