Chapter 14/Family Reunion Gone Wrong

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I go through the cave that we entered when going from the city to the castle. Now I just need to do the opposite. I take a few lefts and a few rights and then I end up right where I want to be. Home.

It looks the same as usual. The white exterior square house. I go up to the women's side of the house to knock then stop when I look at something I would never thnk I would of seen in my whole life. I see the dinner table. At the dinner table I see my mom, my dad, and my brother all sitting at it. The biggest difference is something that used to stare at me in the face. The glass that separates us is gone. All of it. I see my brother talking to my mother. All of them eating and talking. That is what I always wanted for us. But I never got.

Not wanting to, I make a loud clanging noise because I kicked something off the steps. My mother looks at the window on the door and I duck. I quickly remember was I was little if I ever wanted to hind from my mother I would go under the stairs. So I do so now.

The door opens. "Hello? Anybody out here?" My mother. I close my eyes. My vampire hunter mother. "I know you're here. I can sense you." I hear her hand grip onto something tightly. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"Are you sure about that?" I have no idea why I just got the courage to say that.

"Beth?" Her voice suddenly sounds vulnerable. She runs down the steps and kneels next to me. "My baby girl." She is about to touch my cheek but then stops. "Come on." I get up from under the stairs. She looks around the town like someone is watching me or something.

"Are you sure you want me in there. You guys were having a fun time without me." I sound like a five-year-old.

"Come on sweety. I don't think you'll be here that long because one of your teachers will find you probably." She smiles at me.

She opens the door and I stop at the door frame not able to get in. I feel so awkward. For the first time I see my brother and he is staring back at me. He smiles but then looks at me confused at why i'm not coming in. I look at my father with those same dark purple eyes I see on my mother. "The leaders don't want us to let any..." She stops from saying what I am.

"I see. Well that is kind of awkward then so I will just leave--"

"No! Stop! Please." I quickly turn to hear my brother say that. He said that. It warms my heart that he would want me to stay. "Stay."

My father looks at me with pained eyes. "Come in." He says harshly. I look at the door again and step my feet in smoothly. "Sit down." I sit down awkwardly while my mom quickly goes up stairs. "So. How has it been at school?" My father asks me sitting back down next to me. I look down at his finger which is twitching like crazy.

"It's been good. You know, you get a present from your mother that would kill you. I am definitely doing great!" My fists gets tighter.

"What are you talking about Beth?" My brothers voice relaxes me. "What did mom give you?" He looks so confused. Maybe that's still good.

"Nothing. It doesn't matter right now. Right now all that matters is that we are here together finally. I mean I am going back to school soon but for right now I just wanted to see you guys." I feel a tear run down my face. I have never been able to see my family all together. And now I am. But I am a vampire. And my parents are vampire hunters. And my brother and is probably going to be one. Great. That's just great.

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