Chapter 18/Just Following Directions

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This is a pretty short chap sorry. I hope you like it! Remember to vote for it and comment!!

The last thing I remember is a strong looking Talli standing above me and Jonah. Oh no! Where is Jonah! Where am I?

I open my eye slightly to adjust to the sun up above me. "Talli? Where are you?" I scream.

It looks like I am on a hill. The hill is not familiar. None of this is familiar. "Jonah? Where are you?" Maybe I will get a response this time. When I think I am about to get a response I just get a searing pain in my head. I shut my eyes and put my hands on my head. "Make it stop. Please." When I reopen my eyes I am not standing on a hill anymore. I am sitting in a chair strapped in. I am in this weird dark room that has all these weird machines around me. Standing in front of me I see Crystal. On her left I see Talli. She doesn't seem fazed at all with Crystal mentally torturing me.

Everything seems to be in slow motion for me. I see Jonah in the corner of the dark dingy room screaming. His eyes are pitch black trying to rip the chains off him. I slowly turn my head and see Crystal nodding at Talli. Talli nods back and walks over to Jonah. She has something in her hand. She whacks him with it. I start to scream. "Don't hurt him!" All my energy comes back and I brake the straps holding me down. I push Crystal to the side when she was still thinking I was down so hard that she gets knocked out.. Then I look at Talli. This person isn't my friend. This can't be her. The Talli I know would be helping me fight. We would fight together. Crystal has to be making her do this. Please tell me that's the case.

"Talli. Please. Stop what you're doing. I am your friend." I point to my chest and she just laughs. Her laugh isn't her old one I always heard in the city.

"You're not my friend Beth. I don't even know how I was your friend in the city. When Crystal told me who you are and what you did. I didn't believe it but then she reminded me how angry you got sometimes. It all made sense. You are a monster." Her words feel like she is killing me over and over again. "and guess what I am." She takes out a silver stake and spins it around in her hand like it's nothing to her. "I am a girl that hunts your kind." Her eyes turn black.

She comes toward me. Her movement are so swift and beautiful. She has only been at the other school for a few months and she seems to be the best hunter there is. The stake cuts me on the shoulder. I feel the silver taking affect already but I keep going. "This isn't you Talli! We are friends!" I yell dodging her attacks. She finally me in the stomach and I fall down on to the ground. "Talli!" I scream trying to get her attention.

She steps closer and closer to me. I feel so weak. What type of silver is this? "You deserve to die Beth." She says in a monotone voice looking at me with her blackened eyes. I have lost her. It's said when Hunters get their black eyes it only means one thing. They won't stop till their target is neutralized. Even if it means they will never be the same. Even if it means they will never get their best friend back. Even if it means they will never get their childhood neighbor back.

"I'm sorry Talli." In normal circumstances she would look confused but now she just keeps walking closer to me. I close my eyes for a second. "I don't want you to do this to anybody else. I don't want you to do this to anybody else like me." She quickly takes the stake and comes at me without any hesitation. I grab the stake with all my might and redirect it another way so it doesn't go through my heart. But it goes right through her heart. I hear her breath falter and she stumbles back. I run to her side holding her head up.

Her eyes turn back to normal. She smiles at me but not a kind friendly smile like she used to give me. This was a cold heartless smile(*ha ha kind of ironic because she just got stabbed in the heart so technically she is heartless*)."My friend Elizabeth Smith. The Monster." Then she falls down on the floor. I hear no heart beat. I slowly look at my hand and see only the one snowflake I had for killing that boy. Does this mean she isn't dead. Except the next second I hold up my shaky other hand and see a red snowflake. I killed her. And these symbols will be haunting me forever.

"Beth. What happened?" Jonah asks me. His eyes are back to the beautiful brown they always were. I try to keep the sob in but it doesn't work. I just killed my best friend. How could I do that? I'm horrible. She was right I should of died. I hear something brake and see Jonah's chains come off him. He doesn't speak he just comes over to me and wraps his arms around me. I feel so safe with him around me. My head curls into his chest while he rubs my hair keeping me in his arms. "I know why I have those little moments when I want to kill someone." He tells me out of the blue. "It's because if you."

"I really don't want to talk about this-" He cuts me off.

"I avoided you because of you." He continues. "I thought that maybe if I avoid you I wouldn't try to kill someone. The only reason I avoiding you was because I hate to see you hurt. Somewhere in my body I go crazy and I want to kill anyone who hurts you. I loose myself. But you always bring me back. I thought that avoiding you would keep me calm but it doesn't. It just makes it even worse. I need you." His words all make sense. He doesn't hate me. And I never hated him. We need each other.

I look up at him. His brown eyes have tears in them now. "They were torturing you. They were making me watch. And I couldn't do anything. I tried. I'm sorry." He starts to cry. I know he doesn't want to cry so there is one thing that will stop him.

I kiss him. At first he doesn't do anything but after that he kisses me back. Our lips move in unison. Gasping for breath at times but then go back.

"No." I hear. We stop and I see Crystal over Talli's body. I get up from where I was sitting and walk over to her. "You did this." She spits out spointing her shaky little hand at me. "You k-killed your own friend."

"I did do this. But you would of made her kill so many more. I had too." I say sternly not taking my eyes off her. "And I can't let you do that to any other people."

"What are you-" I bring my hands to her head. I close my eyes and then hear a snap.

"I'm sorry." I bring my hands off her. Both my hands only have a snowflake on them so I don't know where the other one could be. I guess it could be anywhere you can see it. Right after that I feel a shooting pain in my shoulder. "Ow."

"You okay?" Jonah gets up. I bring down my shirt a little to get a view what type of silver she stabbed me with. But I don't get time because I fall to the ground.

Jonah picks me up and starts up some stairs. "Get Derek."

Sorry I just had to do this. Talli is dead. Crystal is dead. Beth has some sort of silver in her. Well the plus side is that Jonah and Beth kissed! Did any of you expect that?

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