Chapter 27/The Beginning of My End

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I think I'm finishing the story but I'm going to do a sequel so yeah. Hope you liked the story and will read the next one.

"What did you just say?" I say to Jason.

"You are not permitted to come out of the territory anymore. I forbid it." My mouth wide and my face turns red with anger.

"You promised me I could go! You can't break promises!" I scream. Then out of the corner of my eye I see blood dripping down his hands. His nails are out meaning he is pissed. The full moon doesn't help either.

Slowly I take his shoulder and guide him away from the crowd people and let them tend to Jonah. "Calm down Jason." I tell him.

He growls. "You don't get to tell me what to do Beth. You aren't the alpha. You aren't even the strong brave hybrid girl anymore. You're only a pathetic little werewolf who doesn't know what to do with herself or her life so you locks yourself in your room for two weeks. Two week! That's who are you and you aren't even close to my ranking." His words hurt not just because I thought we were friends but he's just like any other alpha. Whenever an alpha says something mean and ruthless to his pack member, that member feels it. Definitely for a girl. I don't know why girls are so weak when werewolves. We can't go out of the territory, we can't talk to our own alpha without feeling broken.

I slap his pretty little cheek, just like that, he snaps out of whatever funk he was in. "What just happened-" I cut him short.

"I don't care if you were just in some annoying moon alpha mood but I bet that's like what happens when humans are drunk. They tell the truth." I get really close to his sweaty face. "I am staying here. You have to deal with it. You already said I could, so bugger off." Without any consolation from Jason I leave.

My mind flips to Jonah, the victim of Jason's outburst. "How bad is he?" Surprisingly, he opens his eyes a bit and looks at me. Well actually only one eye because the other is glued shut due to Jason socking him in the eye. "Well at least he's conscious."

"Can I talk to Beth alone please?" He says barely in a whisper but everyone hears him and leaves. "Beth..." He breaths in and out. "Don't lose Jason. He didn't know what he was doing." He try's to say something else about Jason, I'm guess, but I dismay it.

I block him out for a moment and breath in my surroundings. The fresh cool air back on my face. The forest greens around me. All so familiar, and yet, so foreign. It's like I need that other half of me to remember who I am in this world. "We need you to get back to the school. We can talk about this later."

I help Jonah up and we walk back to the truck. Looking over at Jason I stop walking feeling a pit in my stomach I cannot take away. Jason's face is lined with tears. I shouldn't feel sorry for him, but I do. My emotions are intensified because he's the alpha. Alphas make you feel certain ways if they want you too. And Jason wants me to feel guilty or maybe sad. But with every I got in me I look forward and place Jonah on the truck for him to rest a bit.

Gracefully, Jonah grabs my arm right when I'm about to leave him. "Stay with me." He breaths out. After a long while looking at his beautiful brown eyes I sit next to him leaning my head on his shoulder.


In my mind, my body is moving and it keeps moving for a long time not wanting to stop. But soon I'll have too. I'll have to stop and look back at my old messed up life. For right now, I will just keep going on with my life that has no meaning.

My tattoo will grow and I will die. My relationships will mend but I will still die. The death will consume me and I will never come back.

Right now is not the time to dwell on that.

I was a Hybrid.

And now I'm a werewolf about to live a werewolf -non hybrid life. So let's make the most of it.

My dear compatriots,

We have drawn the conclusion, due to the councils absence, that something has gone wrong in the city. They have fallen making the pathetic war end. The city has gone back to it's normal state. Hunters hate the supernatural and the supernatural hate the hunters.

But what mostly fascinates me is the young girl named Elizabeth. She has already killed three in my counting. A boy she never knew, Crystal our companion and, her best friend from the city, Talli. And she keeps on ticking. But I can see that under the castle's roof she has changed more than we expected for her to in the years to follow.

We all know she is a werewolf now, the testing was successful, but we never got the cure that we were promised with her transforming into a werewolf. My link inside the supernaturals castle has told me that her condition has gotten wickedly worse in the past year. I don't believe her changing into a werewolf is helping her cope with Crystals death mark on her back. Her hybrid side helped her heal a lot more than she used to so she is weaker now.

She will be easier to control.

Did you like my story? I loved writing it! I will most likely have a sequel because I want to. So see you soon! I will also be editing this story so year!

COMMENT! please comment on what you thought about da story!

And VOTE! I know many of you have voted before for a few of the chapters but please vote for all of them. I worked really hard with this story. It's one of my favorites and I just would love if you went back and VOTED!

Thank you for reading my story! I love you all! Have fun with whatever stories I have going on right now or soon!


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