1. Back into the Woods

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One year, one year since I last saw my parents, one year since I left my town, and one year since I agreed to Seallys proposition. Life wasn't great but it wasnt half bad either. Twelve months of it just being me, my brother Christian, and Seally in Seally's tower castle located far off in the deep woods way out of sight of the village. Twelve months of containment and solitude from all other people and then, one day...

"Y/n, can you go get the offerings from the shrine today?"

I was sitting downstairs with Seally in his small library that was no bigger than your average bedroom with cramped shelves and one large armchair crammed into the right corner. Seally sat in the armchair with a large book resting half on his lap and half propped up against his arm. I was dusting off book covers like I usaully did on lazy sunday mornings when out of nowhere he asked me that. I dropped what I was doing and looked up to gawk at him with my mouth hanging open.

"You mean...outside?" I ask. Besides from the garden I hadn't gone outside of the castle since coming here a year ago.

"Of course. Where else?"

"But...it's so far."

"Not if you use the portals. I'll show you where they are."

"But...it's dangerous."

"Nonsense. Stop being lazy."

"But Seally!" He stopped reading to look up at me. His body was still that of a young boy but his snake like eyes carved holes through me and often made me stutter on my words. "But Seally...what about the boys?"

Seally closed his book and sighed as he leaned forward to rest his head in the palm of his hand.

"Y/n..." He began with another sigh. "How many times do I have to tell you that is perfectly safe. They arent going to hurt you anymore."

Since coming here I had always been worried about 'the boys' finding me but Seally always assured me that such a thing was impossible. In fact he was so adamant that I was never going to see them again that I started to wonder that if maybe, just maybe, he did something to them. I was too scared to ask and at the same time too scared to hear the answer.

"If you are scared to go alone you can take the mutt." Seally suggested as he pointed with his index finger to the large brown husky which slept in the doorway. He brought the dog back shortly after Christian and I first arrived here as a sort of comfort to me who was always worried and always scared. The dog was big and strong but despite that it was also extremely lazy and slept for the majority of the day. We never named it and Seally always just called it 'Mutt'. Mutt was weird but I still loved him as he followed me everywhere.

"...do I really have to go?"  I begged as I cast Seally the most pitiful gaze I could muster.

"You're going." He said, completely unaffected, and that was the end of the conversation.

That next morning I got up early and dressed before coming downstairs to meet Seally in the garden where he was examining his herbs.

"Are you ready?" He asked without looking up as I approached him.

"Physically at least." I muttered. "Not mentally."

"You'll be fine." He said as he handed me an empty brown shoulder bag. "Now follow me."

I followed Seally around the garden and past the back shed into the woods where we walked along a small cobblestone trail deep into the trees before finally stopping in a small clearing where four large, thick trunked trees stood in a semicircle around the clearing.

"Isn't the shrine in the opposite direction?" I ask as I look back the way we came. I didn't have a good perception of position after having spent so much time in one place but I was pretty sure I was right.

"You're taking the portal." Seally said.

"What portal?"

Seally walked up to one of the thick trees and tapped it lightly on the trunk. Immediately the bark fell away revealing a large oval of light that sent wisps of yellow and white fluttering through the grass and trees. I took a step back in shock while the dog, Mutt, hovered protectively in front of me, protecting me from the evil light circle.

"In you go." Said Seally.

"No way. That looks terrifying!"

"It will be fine."

"I don't believe you!"

"Y/n, have I ever lied to you?"

"Yes! Several times!"

Seally stood silently for a second.

"You're such a human." He groaned and, quick as a flash, he walked over, grabbed my arm, and pushed me into the portal. I turned back to yell at him but when I did he wasn't there and I was instead staring at another large tree trunk. Mutt was at my feet as he stared up at me expectantly. I slowly looked around and gasped as I recognized my surroundings. There was the small, white trail and the small shrine with the slanted roof and the stone alter. I swallowed deeply as I felt my breath hitch in my throat recalling the last time I had come here and the things I had experienced. I wanted to go back quickly so I walked over to the shrine and, using the magic key Seally had given me, I opened the back of the shrine to pull out the offerings. Only problem: The shrine was empty.

"No. No, this can't be right." I muttered as I frantically checked all the nooks and corners of the small box, but it was empty. Then I heard Mutt growling next to me and I turn to see him stiffened as he points down the trail where, when I looked, I could just barely see someone coming down the trail. I immediately panicked as I grabbed Mutt by the collar and pulled the two of us into the bushes where I knelt down and hid beneath the leaves. Quietly I sat there as the sound of whistling echoed through the woods and a young man came into sight walking down the trail. He looked to be about my brother's age with curly orange hair and a tall build. I didn't recognize him but just upon looking I could tell that he was human and most likely someone from the village. While whistling a merry tune he walked up to the shrine and pulled out of his bag a small bundle which he placed on the alter. There was a flash of light and the bundle was gone and the boy turned to leave having not notticed us. Unfortunatly, Mutt had another plan as he growled deeply causing the boy to stop and whip around while pulling a pistol out of his bag and pointing it at our bush.

"COME OUT OR I'LL SHOOT YOU!" He yelled. I shouldve stayed home with Seally.

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