14. Punishment

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Seally Pov.

Christian left and Y/n ran off in a huff to Melody's room which left me alone with the fish.

"I guess I should deal with you first before you dry out." I muttered as I turned to Merlin. He didnt seem to be listening to me as he pulled at his long hair and mumbled absently to himself. I sighed as I walked over and hoisted him up by his arms and dragged him down the hall to the bathroom where I lifted him into the cramped tub and turned on the faucet. He flinched as the cold water hit his tail. On his blue scales the black stitches were still there from when I had to sew him together and although I did a good job he will probably never be able to swim properly ever again.

"What just happened?" Merlin asked with a hoarse voice. After a whole year of silence he wasnt used to talking.

"My magic wore off." I told him. "Sorry."

"What do I do?!" He screached suddenly as he grabbed me by the sleeve and pulled me down closer to the tub. "Y/n hates me! What do I do!?"

"She'll get over it. Now let go of me." I grumbled as I pried his hands off me. Merlin immediatly went back to pulling on his hair and mumbling to himself as if he was possesed. It was pitiful yet at the same time strangely entertaining. I wondered if all those months as a tiny fish had some sort of influence on his brain.

"I'm going to go find the dog." I told him as I left even though I was pretty sure he wasn't listening anymore. I quickly left the bathroom and hurried down to the first floor kicthen where, just as I expected, I found Ray curled up in a corner next to the stove with his tail between his legs. When he saw me he growled and his ears flattened against his skull. I wondered if he had brain damage too.

"Who are you?" He snarled.

"Don't freak out. It's just me, Seally." I said and his ears perked up as he looked me over from head to toe.

"What happened to you? You got big." He mumbled.

"A slight potion explosion sent my magic all out of whack. Now hurry up and get out from there. You are collecting dust."


"Why not?"

"I dont want Y/n to see me. Hurry up and change me back into a dog."

"I can't do that yet and even if I could it wouldnt matter because she already knows its you."

"You told her?!" 

"I had to. Now get up."

Ray growled deeply as he stood up and brushed the dust off of his back and tail.

"What do I do?" He asked. "She is going to hate me."

"She already hates you."

"Yo arent helping."

"Fine. Fine." I grumbled. I put a finger to my chin to think and then snapped my fingers as a thought struck me. It was sorta twisted but all the best ideas were.

"I have an idea."

"What is it?" Ray asked.

"You arent going to like it."

"Tell me anyway."

"Alright. Alright. How do you feel about a little punishment?"

Your Pov.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT LYING BASTARD!" I screamed as I threw a pillow at a wall. I was with Melody in her room. By now the sun had set over the trees and darkness had overcome the castle grounds. Our only light was candlelight which sent a soft glow through the small room with me on the bed and Melody sitting by the window, watching me throughout my little tantrum. Melody was quiet as she listened to me whine and groan. She didnt know who Ray or Merlin were so from her point of view she had no idea why I was so upset.

"Are they bad guys?" She asked.

Yes!" I said. "They are very bad people who shouldnt be here."

"What did they do?"

I stopped and thought it over for a second as I was unsure how to answer. I could spend hours going over all their various misdeeds and crimes, Ray especially.

"They ruined my life." I told her and Melody frowned at me.

"Then they deserve to be punished." She said.

"I agree with that." Said a voice from the doorway and I looked over to see Seally standing there. In the dim light his adult body seemed even more foreign and strange.

"Go away! I dont want to talk to you!" I yelled as I threw another pillow at his head which he dodged easily.

"Then how about you just listen? I realize that from your point of view it would appear that I have wronged you but you must keep in mind that everything that I did I did with your safety in mind."

"Bullshit. You brought killers into our house."

"Regardless, I do believe that I may have let the boys off a little easy for their crimes so from this point on they will be punished accordingly.

"What are you going to do to them?" Melody asked, her voice somewhat excited. Seally, in turn, turned to her with a sly smile.

"Whatever you want. I can cut off their hands, gouge out their eyes, rip out their vocal chords, whatever you see fit."

"Gross! Don't do that!" I yelled.

"Then what should I do? They need to be punished."

"Can't you just ban them into isolation somewhere?" I asked.

"Merlin I could but Ray knows the way here and back so it would be very unwise to send him out in the chance that he blabs our location."

"Are you saying he has to stay here!? I don't want him here!"

"Sorry but there is no other way. We can lock them up in the cellar for now but long term I think we should come up with some way to punish them." Seally said with a smile. I think he liked the idea.

"How about the eye gouging?" Melody asked. "I liked that."

"NO!" I screached.

"You got any better ideas?" Seally asked and I groaned as I tried to rub the worry lines from my forehead. I wanted them to suffer but at the same time I didnt really want to cause them pain. I wasnt evil nor was I twisted in any way. After a few minutes of silent reflection I came up with an idea that I thought might appease my need for revenge. Silently I beckoned Melody over and whispered my idea in her ear. She turned and smiled at me. 

"I like this plan, and I think 'she' will enjoy it as well."

Fantasy Forest 2 (Yandere boys x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon