3. Babysit

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"Since when has Seally had a girlfriend? Who is it?"

"Patty." Christian answered simply.


Patty, or Patricia, was a friend of Seallys. She was a witch who specialized in potion brewing and, while her outward looks appeared young, I figured that, just like Seally, she was a lot older than she looked. She was one of the very few people to ever visit Seally in his house and, while I didnt know her very well, from what I could tell she was a very overly friendly person which led to a lot of misunderstandings.

"Patty is not Seally's girlfriend." I state as we walked out of the portal circle and back out into the garden.

"It seems that way to me." Christian retorted.

"Well they are not. Now how long till she gets here?"

"She will be here any minute so you better go change. I'll bring the offerings to Seally." Christian states as he waves the bag around in the air before marching off into the house. I follow before turnng upstairs and heading up to the third floor where my small room sat in the back right corner of the hall. My room was small but with large windows that let in a lot of light. I had a bed, a desk with a mirror, a wardrobe, and an aquarium with one small blue fish that Seally had brought home for me. 

"Hello guppy." I greeted the fish as it swam circles in its small glass bowl. I sprinkled some food into the water before stripping off my shirt and pants and changing into my inside clothes. We had specific clothes that we had to wear inside and specific clothes we had to wear outside to keep us from tracking too much dirt into the house. I quickly changed into my white shirt and black pants before walking over to the desk and brushing out my hair in the mirror. As I finished I heard some noise downstairs so I quickly put away my dirty clothes and rushed out of the room with Mutt following closely at my heels.

"I don't see why you need so much space." A sultry voice echoes down the hall as I came back down to the first floor. I turned the corner to the living room and there was Patty, her long purple hair curled around her arms and face as her hazel eyes seemed to flicker with hues of gold in the soft afternoon light that was streaming in through the open windows. She sat on the sofa, in front of her sat Seally, and next to her sat her servant Arthur the bone man and another smaller girl I didnt recognize.

"Like seriously Seally." Patty droned on. "You have all this space and only you three using it. I think its a waste."

"It suits me just fine." Seally answered as he sat with one leg crossed over the other. "Now why the sudden interest in my living conditions? You have never cared before."

"That's because I have a small favor to ask. It involves you too Y/n so you better come in here."

Patty calls me over. I don't know how she saw me standing so far away but I don't really question it as I walk into the room and come to stand next to Seally. Patty's servant Arthur greets me with a silent bow while the younger girl won't look up at me. I think she may be an elf for she is quite small with sharply pointed ears poking out of a tangled mess of snow white hair. For a second the girl looks up at me and I catch a glimpse of stunning green eyes highly set in a round face.

"I have a favor to ask of you." Patty says and I can't tell if she is addressing me or Seally but I nod all the same. Patty makes potions for people in the same way that Seally used to make potions for people but, from what I heard, Pattys potions are twice as strong and she is twice as cruel with her payments.

"What is it?" Seally asks. "It better not be something weird."

"Not at all. I just wanted you to take care of this young girl for awhile." She gestures at the elf girl who looks up long enough to muster a quick wave.

"Why?" Seally asks, a subtle tone of irritation in his voice.

"Because I'm too busy to do so myself. She's not a kid so she doesn't need twenty-four hour supervision. She just needs a little occasional help. She's been living in isolation for the past ten years so she doesn't really understand how to interact with other people."

"Why was she living in isolation?" I ask.

"I'd rather not answer that." Patty answers with a sly smile.

"Why can't you babysit her?" Seally asks.

"Because I am busy with other stuff."

"So am I."

"Don't be ridiculous. I know for a fact that you spend half your time here just sitting around and reading your silly books. I am giving you the chance to really help someone and as forest king I don't think you have the right to decline."

"Fine." Seally says with a groan. "But she better not cause any trouble."

"Of course not." 

"What's her name?"

"Who's name?" Patty asks.

"The elf you want us to babysit."

"Oh. I call her Melody although that's probably not her real name. She doesn't talk much you see. She's not used to people."

Seally nods in understanding and then gestures me forward.

"Y/n, please show Melody to the guest room and explain to her the rules of the house."

"Okay." I say as I walk over to Melody and ask her to follow me. She says nothing but gets up and follows me out of the room. I lead her up the stairs to the third floor. The guest room was only two doors down from mine. I push the door open and walk inside to pull open the windows.

"Sorry, It's a little dusty." I say. "We haven't had anyone stay here in a while."

"It's fine." Melody mutters in a small and quiet voice like a mouse. She sits down on the edge of the bed and I get to quickly dusting off the furniture with a soot rag.

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you live in isolation?" I ask. Melody says absolutely nothing as she stares foraward at the wall. There is an awful tense atmosphere hanging in the air that makes me shiver despite the warm climate. "You don't have to tell me if you-"

"Murder." Melody whispers. "I was in isolation for murder."

"Murder?" The temperature in the room just dropped ten degrees.

"I killed my parents."

Fantasy Forest 2 (Yandere boys x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang