30. Waiting Pool

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"What are the chances of us finding the other shrines on our own?" Christian asked. I shrugged as I was still staring at the blood on my sneakers. The walking had smeared it so it was now just a dirty red mark on the tip and sole of my shoe.

"Are we really not going to talk about what just happened?" I asked as I finally tore my eyes away to look up at him.

Christian shrugged. "No time." He said. "We have to get rid of all the shrines before Theo and the other monsters catch on to what we are doing."

"And how are we going to do that without a guide?" I ask. "We have no clue where these shrines are and there is no one else to ask."

"I can think of one other person." Christian muttered and I stared at him oddly.


"A certain merman..."

"You mean Merlin? No way. I don't even know where he is and even if I did its not like he can lead us to the other shrines. He has no feet."

"Isn't he still back at Seally's castle? I know he cant lead the way but the least he can do is tell us a general direction and then we can use the portals to get there faster."

I quietly considered the idea.

"Its better than wandering around blind." Christian stated and I slowly nodded.

"You're right. Lets go back quickly. Do you know the way?"

"Sort of." Christian said as we both took off at a slow trot through the woods with Christian leading the way. Once or twice he stopped to look around and I worried if we were lost but then he would resituate himself and start running again. I struggled to keep up but he seemed to understand that and would slow his pace whenever he caught me lagging behind. After about thirty minutes the woods started to look familiar again and we stepped out into the front garden of Seally's castle. It looked quite and ominous in the afternoon light.

We wasted no time running inside but as we went up the stairs I recalled that Merlin hadn't been in the bathroom when we last left and sure enough as we opened the door we found the tub empty.

"Where is he?" Christian asked as he looked down into the tub, a few inches of tepid water still resting in the basin.

"Seally must have moved him." I said.

"Yes but where?"

"Where else can support enough water to keep a merman?"

We both stopped to think.

"Isn't there a small pond in the back by the portals?" Christian asked and without another word we took off down the stairs again. Reaching the first floor however Christian turned right instead of left and headed down the hall to Seally's study.

"Where are you going?" I asked him and he motioned for me to stay put as he entered the room. He returned less than a minute later with a pen and a large scroll which I immediately recognized as one of Seally's maps of the forest.

"We may need it." Christian stated as we headed left down to the back door where we sprinted across the small garden and out into the woods. We walked past the portal trees and stepped out into a small clearing where there was a small but very deep pond with a few ducks swimming about.

"He's not here." Christian said with a sigh as he scanned the empty water. I, on the other hand, wasn't so sure and immediately began picking up rocks and throwing them into the pond creating large splashes that sent ripples along the ponds surface scaring the duck which swam off to hide in the reeds.

"What are you doing?" Christian asked as I threw another rock into the water, the splash spraying us slightly. I held a hand up to my lips to silence him as I stood still, listening and watching the water intently. Finally I saw what I had been hoping to see, a ripple of blue and a flash of scales.

"He's here." I whispered and Christian leaned over to peer over the water surface.

"How do we get him to come up?" Christian asked. "I doubt he can hear us from way down there." I smiled in response as I turned and pointed at a large boulder a few feet off. I walked over to it and together we lifted the thing and flung it into the pond. The ducks squawked angrily and flew away out of the reeds while our paints were drenched from the large splash. Seconds later a head of blue hair popped up out of the water hissing loudly like a snake but he went silent when he saw us.

"Hello Merlin." I said nonchalantly as he bobbed there in the water with his shoulders still submerged.

"What are you two doing out here?" He asked softly while keeping a distance from the shoreline.

"We need you to help us with something." I said as Christian unrolled the map and showed it to him. "We need you to tell us where to find the other shrines."

"Why?" Merlin asked.

"Cant tell you." I said and there was a long pause as Merlin swam quietly up to us and rested his elbows against the rocky edge of the pond, his hair pooling round his shoulders as strands clung to his face.

"You plan to end it, don't you?" He said. "You are going to destroy everything. Why?" He looked up at me and for a second I felt guilty, like I was doing something wrong.

"We have to." I said. "Everything has gone to shit and if it keeps going the way it is now..." I trailed off. "I don't want to kill anyone but I also don't want more people to die."

Merlin said nothing as he looked away to stare at the map Christian was holding. He motioned for Christian to come closer as he grabbed the pen from him and drew out five small circles on the map.

"I have done bad things." He said, looking back at me. "And I realize that I may not be the nicest person. Something is wrong with me. I have done bad things to you and for that I know I may never be forgiven." He let the pen drop on the grass. "I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry. I really am. And I hope someday you will forgive me."

I opened my mouth to speak but before I could Merlin dropped beneath the surface and disappeared. Christian turned the map back to us and observed the markings.

"Lets do this quickly." He said as he started walking off back towards the portals. I stalled for a second as I looked back at the water before I finally turned and followed him. That was the last time I ever saw Merlin.

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