25. Potion Vials

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The cave seemed to stretch for miles in one direction. The walls, floors, and ceilings were jagged and pitch black. At times the tunnel would narrow so it was just big enough for us to crawl through one at a time and then at other times it was so wide that you could stretch out your hands and never touch either side. Our small group walked in silence but at a brisk pace as we feared we were being followed.

"How much farther?" Christians parched voice called out in the darkness. I reached out and felt his arm at my side and tugged him close.

"Hopefully we will be out soon." I told him but at the moment it seemed like an unrealistic possibility. Eventually, however, we did come across a light at the end of the tunnel and we stepped out into a large chasm like room with a hole in the ceiling that was letting in moonlight.

"Do you think we can crawl out through there?" Patty asked as she pointed up at the ceiling. We all shook our heads in unison at the thought and looked around the room. The cave room divided out into four separate tunnels and once again we were forced to make a choice. The last time we just chose at random but this time seemed more dire and urgent as there was a good chance that one of these tunnels would just lead us straight back to where we came. Fearful, I turned to Patty.

"Isn't there any magic you can use to get us out of here?" I asked fearfully, the small croak in my voice scaring myself.

"Ummmm....maybe...." Patty muttered as she started shuffling around in the pockets of her skirt. She pulled out four small vials of liquid and stared at them curiously. "I forgot to label them." She mumbled crossly.

"What do they do?" Christian asked.

"Hopefully one of them will help us but I have no clue as to which..."

"Four potions...four of us." Christian commented. "Why don't we all take one and see what happens?"

"Aren't they dangerous?" I asked.

"I don't remember any of them being lethal." Patty said. "And I don't make poisons."

I thought it over momentarily and while I did Christian grabbed a vial, popped the top off, and chugged the whole thing.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I yelled as I grabbed the vial from him before he could drink more but it was already empty. Christian sputtered and coughed in response and I watched as his eyes went a crisp golden and began to glow, slightly lighting up the small cave.

"I can see in the dark." Christian said. "Cool."

"It doesn't really help us though." Patty muttered. "You still can't see the way out."

"No I cant."

"That leaves three potions." Patty said as she turned to Melody and I. Patty took one of the three vials and handed the other two to us. I took one gingerly. The vial was slightly warm and the liquid inside was a light amber like honey. Melody's potion was green and Patty's was a vibrant violet and seemed to bubble slightly. Without giving any warning, Patty popped off the top and drank hers and Melody, not wanting to get left behind, did the same. Seeing as I was the only one left I took off the cork and drank from my potion. The taste was sickenly sweet like pure sugar and left a velvety texture on my tongue and the roof of my mouth. Immediately I felt woozy and I grabbed the cave wall for balance and then, out of nowhere, everything became crystal clear to me as I felt all my senses had been awakened. I felt as if I could feel the heartbeat of the forest and the small rhythm in the cave walls, ceiling, and floor. It felt strange but at the same time I became elated because while looking around the different tunnels I felt as if I knew exactly which one would lead us back into the woods.

"I think this might work!" I squealed in excitement only to look back and see that Patty and Melody were not in good shape. Patty was slumped over on the floor with Christian struggling to keep her up. She swayed from side to side and laughed like a hyena all the while petting Christian on the head like a dog.

"I think she's drunk." Christian sighed and Patty nodded enthusiastically in response.

"The b-best potion is a dr-drunk potion." She slurred. Meanwhile I looked over to Melody to see her slightly panicked. She had a look of fright in her eyes as she kept flapping her lips, mouthing words.

"Whats wrong?" I asked her and she looked up at me and started moving her mouth but no words came out.

"Must've been a m-mute potion." Patty mumbled.

"Why do you carry such things around with you?" Christian asked, annoyed.

"For fun." Patty answered. I groaned but then quickly realized that this was not the time to chat as I could hear voices in the far distance behind us.

"Lets go." I said as I helped Christian get Patty to her feet. "I think the exit is this way."

No one questioned me as we quickly marched through the tunnel. In the pitch black Christian's glowing eyes were like a beacon in the dark lighting the way. Eventually the tunnel evened out and as we turned a sharp corner I could see light in the distance. Patty tripped and I helped her to her feet alongside Christian.

"Keep it together for just a bit longer." I told her. "We are almost out."

"I'm trying!" She giggled but her tone told me she was annoyed. We got her back to her feet and kept walking until eventually I could see the exit just a little farther ahead but my victory was short lived when I noticed some one waiting there blocking the way. It was Theo, his white hair pulled back from his face as he leaned against the cave wall waiting for us. At the sound of our footsteps he looked up and smiled at me.

"Idiot. Did you really think you could escape?" He asked with a snicker.

Fantasy Forest 2 (Yandere boys x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang