27. Goodbye

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A lot of bad things had happened to me leading up to this point but none of it compared to the soul destroying emptiness that was crushing my chest as I stared down into Melody's cold and vacant eyes. I felt a hand on my shoulder but I didn't move. Someone said something but I didn't hear them. I didn't even look up. Something moved out of the corner of my eye as someone leaned down and cupped my hand, covered my eyes, and pulled me back. I felt someone embracing me from behind but I barely felt any heat as my whole body had gone numb.

"We should go." A male voice said but it sounded muddled and indiscernible.

"What about her?" Said another.

"We'll bring her with us."

I didnt move or say anything as I felt myself be picked up and carried off. Next thing I know we are in a familiar small cottage house with a large sofa on one side of the room as well as a table with a small set of chairs. Christian puts me down on the sofa and I take this moment to finally look around. Behind us Seally steps in carrying a lifeless Melody in his arms.

"I'll bring this upstairs." He says. "Stay with her."

Christian nods and sits next to me and I watch as Seally carries Melody upstairs. Her small hand is draped over her lap while the other hangs off her left side, a small drip of blood running down her forearm and pooling temporarily under her nails. Within a second Seally and her are gone and I look up at Christian whose face is almost unrecognizable in the subtle light of morning.

"Where are we?" I ask meekly and Christian shrugs.

"I dont know."

I look around the room and see shelves where empty vials sit and a small cauldron on one side. It takes me a few seconds but I eventually recognize it as Seally's old house, the small cottage he used to live in back before I knew he was the forest king.

"This cant be happening." I mutter vacantly. "I dont believe this."

Christian puts an arm around my shoulder and pulls me close. I know he is trying to comfort me but the action feels somewhat hollow and worthless.

"When is it going to end, Christian?" I ask him. "The fighting, the monsters, the deaths. When is it all going to be over?"

"We can end it now if you want." A voice says and I look up to see Seally coming down the stairs with Patty. She must have been upstairs.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"This war..." Seally begins. "...I dont see an end to it. If we really want to stop this war and the fighting then we are going to have to purify the forest and all its inhabitants."

"How to we do that?" Christian asks. "Some kind of spell?"

Seally shakes his head.

"You're not seriously considering this, are you?" Patty asks Seally. Seally shrugs.

"I have been well prepared for this from the very beginning. The way things are things have gotten out of hand. We need to end this." He says.

"What can I do?" I ask. "I'll do anything to stop this."

There is a long moment of heavy silence as Seally holds his breath. "Then we must destroy the forest." He says.


"Its the only way."

"Wait! Wait!" I yell. "We cant destroy the forest! If we did what would happen to you guys?"

"Destroying the forest is not a permanent thing." Seally says. "We all return to ash eventually and from that ash we will be reborn again, the trees will grow back, magic will flourish, and we shall return. For now we must do this for the sake of purity. For the sake of balance."

"I cant do that." I mutter defiantly.

"You dont have a choice. This war wont end otherwise. The monsters will continue to fight and they shall take their fighting to the human villages. Before they have the chance to purge the earth of humanity we shall purge the monsters from the forest...but not permanently. They shall return, hopefully in a more peacefull time."

"And you are okay with this?" Christian asks. Seally looks to Patty and they both nod.

"Its what must be done." Patty says.

In the continuing silence I look around the room and breathe in the memories of the place. To imagine a world without the forest, without magic, was impossible but...

"What do I have to do?" I ask and Seally smiles at me.

"There are five shrines in this forest." He says. "The forest feeds off the energy of the shrines, destroy the shrines and the forest, as well as its inhabitants, will die with it."

"That sounds a bit too easy." Christian states.

"To fully destroy a shrine you have to burn it down to ash." Seally walks over to us and hands both Christian and I a small matchbox. "There cant be anything left."

I stare at the small box with this empty feeling in my stomach before finally standing and walking for the door.

"Are we doing this now?!" Christian asks me, surprised.

"No use waiting." I state and then I stop and walk back into the room. I walk up to Seally and Patty. "Once I do this... am I not going to see you again?" I ask.

"Probably not." Seally states and I nod before reaching over and wrapping both arms around him tightly. A simple hug never felt so heartbreaking as this one. Releasing Seally I give a quick hug to Patty before turning and running from the house and out into the woods towards the first shrine. I didnt want them to see me cry.

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