18. Hidden

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"Where is she?" I muttered angrily as I stepped out onto the third floor hallway after having searched all the rooms at least twice. No one had seen Melody for at least the last three hours and it was quickly becoming apparent that she was hiding for a reason.

"She wasn't in the garden." Seally stated as we met up back down in the first floor study.

"There was no one on the second floor either." Damen stated as he came back from searching with Arthur. Seally sighed and ran a hand through his dark locks.

"I don't like this." He muttered. "I'm going to go check the garden again. Maybe she is hiding somewhere."

Seally left quickly and I groaned as I slumped down into the chair next to Patty.

"Don't worry." Patty said in a rather relaxed tone. "I'm sure Melody didn't do anything wrong."

"I want to believe that too." I said. "But how do you know, after all, there are some things about her I find questionable."

"Like what?" Patty asked.

"Like her parents."

"What about her parents?"

"She told me she killed her parents."

Patty looked at me funny and then snapped her fingers as if suddenly struck by a thought. "That's not it at all!" She said as she laughed slightly as if she found the idea amusing.

"That's what she told me. She said she killed them."

"No she didn't. She wasn't even there when they died. She just feels responsible is all."

"Responsible? How?"

"Melody's parents were attacked and killed by rogue monsters." Patty stated.

"Monsters kill other monsters?" I asked amazed.

"Sometimes when the situation arises but those cases are rare. I don't know the whole story but from what I can gather, Melody had a fight with her parents and ran away and while they were out looking for her they were attacked and killed. It wasn't her fault but she thinks otherwise."

"I see." I muttered softly, on one hand I felt bad for Melody but on the other hand I was relieved that her parents death was not actually her doing. Still that didn't change the fact that she was missing and might also have something to do with my missing brother.

"I found her." A voice stated and I looked up to see Arthur standing in the doorway.

"Where?" I asked quickly.

"She's locked herself in your room." He stated and I quickly got up and followed him up to the third floor where we found my bedroom door closed and locked.

"Melody?" I called out. "Melody are you in there?" I heard a small movement inside as well as the creaking of the floor boards as someone moved closer to the door.

"Y/n?" Melody's voice called from the inside. I can't believe I had missed her in there but then again I had never thought to check my own room.

"Melody can you open the door?" I asked.

"I'd rather not." Was Melody's immediate reply.

"Melody what did you do?" Arthur asked, his tone rough and unforgiving. There was a pause before Melody spoke again.

"I did what I had to." She said.

"I've had enough of this." I muttered at last. "Lets just break down the door." I said, turning to Arthur.

"I'm afraid my brittle bone aren't meant for that." He said with a shrug. I quickly thought of going to get Seally to help but before I could the door opened and Melody came out on her own. Her mood was somber and her body manner reserved as she stood in the doorway not quite making eye contact with me as she stared slightly downward at the floor.

"Melody, where is Christian?" I asked and Melody shook her head defiantly like a child.

"No." She whimpered.

"No, what?"

"No, I wont tell you."

"Melody, this isn't funny. Where is he?" I asked again and Melody remained as silent as the grave as she pinched her hands together and stared at the ground. Arthur huffed in irritation and grabbed Melody roughly by the arm before dragging her down the stairs back to the study where everyone else was waiting, including Seally who had come back from the garden.

"She wont say a word." Arthur told Patty who sighed and walked over, putting a comforting hand on Melody's shoulder.

"We know you didn't do anything wrong." Patty said in a voice that was uncharacteristically sweet and nurturing like a mother.

"I did what I had to do." Melody repeated.

"And what was that? You need to tell us. We promise we wont get mad." Patty said. She was talking down to Melody as if she was a child and yet it seemed to be working as Melody's shoulders tensed and her knees and lower lip quivered as if she was about to cry.

"He was going to tell..." She muttered in a shaking voice.

"Who?" Patty asked.

"Christian...he was going to tell...I couldn't let him tell..."

"What was he going to tell?" Patty asked. "And who?"

"He was going to tell the rogue monsters where to find Seallys castle. He didn't trust Seally anymore. He wanted to leave. I couldnt let him. You can't trust those monsters. I couldn't let him tell."

"M-melody...what did you do?" I asked, a slight shake in my own voice. Was Christian really going to rat Seally out like that? Melody remained silent.

"Melody, did you hurt Christian?" Patty asked, her voice no longer that of the caring mother.

"No." Melody answered. "I locked him in the basement so he wouldn't tell. Its the only place I knew you wouldn't find him."

A heavy silence fell over the group as Melody closed her mouth and stopped talking.

"I'll go let him out." Seally said as he got up and left. I stayed standing in place with Melody. She wouldn't look at me and her lower lip still quivered slightly.

"I was just trying to help." She whimpered. "I couldn't let him tell. It would've destroyed everything!"

"I know." I whispered, although I couldn't bring myself to look at her straight. "I forgive you."

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