Authors Note: Seally Book

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As this second book draws to a close I would just like to thank everyone that read this far and I would also like to say that there will be a third book. The third book, however, will not be based off this current Y/N main character. It will still be an xreader book but the reader (you guys) will be a new person. The new book will be based in modern day times (maybe) where the forest and the monsters living in it are nothing but a fairy tale and the yandere will be your favorite Seally. I'm really looking foreward to this and I would like to thank the person who private messaged me asking for a Seally book a few months back. I do read and respond to all those messages btw. It's sure to be lots of fun so please keep reading and look foreward to that in the future.

Love you guys. Bye Bye.

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