21. Gunfire

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Patty tore off a piece of her shirt and pressed it to her side to stop the blood. She stood leaning against a tree as she grumbled angrily to herself.

"I can't believe that damn werewolf ran from me!" She grumbled.

"I can understand." Muttered Christian with a slight chuckle. I cast him a stern look before turning back to Patty.

"I can understand why Ray would run but what about Melody and Damen? Why would they just run off and leave? Especially in such a dangerous part of the woods." I said.

"I don't know." Patty mumbled. "I just don't know."

"And you have no idea who shot at you?" Christian asked again.

"No clue." Patty stated. "It all happened so fast and the next thing I knew everyone was gone."

We stood there for a second in silence before patty finally spoke up again.

"We should return to the castle." She suggested.

"I don't want to leave without the others." I told her and Patty opened her mouth to argue when she was suddenly silenced by the sound of movement in the woods. Swiftly, she grabbed me and Christian by the arm and pulled us into the tree cover just as someone emerged into the clearing. It was Theo. I looked over at Christian to see him tense and raise his gun. Theo was a good ways away from us and he hadn't seen us which gave us the perfect opportunity to jump him but before we could the forest erupted in a hailstorm of gunfire coming from the woods around the back of the house. Theo immediately bolted, disappearing into the trees, and Christian stood up growling loudly.

"What the hell is that!?" He asked as we listened to the sound of the gunfire subside into silence.

"It could be Damen." I suggested and I could see Christian perk up at the suggestion.

"What is he shooting at?" Christian asked.

"Hopefully that damn werewolf." Patty grumbled. I shrugged and stumbled around the house and into the forest in the direction that I had heard the sound. I got pretty far and saw nothing and when I turned around to ask Christian if we should go back he wasn't there. I thought he had been following me but instead I was alone. I swallowed deeply and quickly tried to retrace my steps but found that I couldn't tell which direction I had come and which direction I was going.

"Christian?" I called out into the empty void of trees only for my own voice to echo back at me.

"Are you lost?" A voice asked and I turned to see Seally standing there only he had changed back to his usual smaller, younger body and was wearing unfamiliar clothes.

"Seally?! You changed back!" I yelled at him.

"Yes." He said plainly. "I've been looking for you. Are you lost?" He asked again.

"I'm afraid so." I mumbled, slightly embarrassed, and he smiled at me as he extended a hand for me to take.

"Lets go." He said. "I will take you home."

"What about the others?" I asked.

"I will come back for them later. Lets go."

"I dont want to leave them behind." I said. "Patty is hurt and Melody and Damen are missing."

"I will find them. I promise. Lets go." Seally stated as he took my hand but I quickly shook him off me.

"I'm not leaving my friends behind." I stated confidently as I turned to leave but Seally grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"I am taking you home." He growled. Is it just me or are his nails a little sharp? I open my mouth to argue but before I could a loud gunshot rang through the trees and Seally dropped to the ground, a bullet in his chest.

"SEALLY!?" I yelled in surprise as I knelt over him but my fear soon turned to horror as the skin on his face began to steam and melt as his body shook in convulsions. His eyes changed color and his face melted away to reveal a hideous monster who growled deeply at me and raised a clawed hand to grab at my face. At that moment another gunshot rang out and the monster dropped dead, this time a bullet in its head. I looked up and there was Damen a few feet away with his gun raised.

"I'm sorry Y/n." He said. "I had to-" I cut him off as I tackled him in a hug, my arms wrapped tightly around his neck. He stiffened at first but then hugged me back with his one free hand while his other hand held his rifle.

"Thank god you came!" I told him as I looked down at the dead monster. "That thing tricked me! I thought it was Seally! I could've been killed!"

"Thing?" Damen asked, confused, and then he looked down at the monster and an aura of understanding washed over him as he lowered his gun. "Oh, right." He seemed strangely disappointed.

"Quick, we got to go find the others!" I said. "Do you know where Melody went?" For a second he was silent and then he smiled at me and shrugged.

"No clue." He mumbled. I sighed in disappointment as I grabbed his hand and led him back through the woods in the direction I thought we had come from.

"For now lets go back and find Christian and Patty." I said and he nodded as he let me lead him through the woods. I breathed out a sigh of relief when we finally stepped back out into the clearing where Theo's house was but my victory was short lived when I noticed neither Christian or Patty was there. There was no one there but the two of us.

Authors note: Someone in the comment section stated how this second book doesn't have as much yandere as the first book and I would just like to say that I did that on purpose. In the first book there were a lot of point of view changes that alerted you to the yandere actions of the boys while in this book all those actions are hidden but are still happening behind the scenes. The yandere will come out eventually but until then you will only be aware of what your character is aware of unless you catch on to the little hints I have been dropping in the past chapters. Anyway, we are reaching that point where everything goes to shit so please look forward to that and thanks for reading.

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