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   I ascended out of unconsciousness, as golden rays of sunlight pierced through my eyelids, waking me further. I didn't want to wake up today. I wanted to remain in my sleeping state, where giddy dreams surrounded my mind, and wishes came true.

After today, I would no longer be a young child. I would be a Valkaydan warrior in training. This would take twelve years to complete, but afterwards I would become a full fledged legionnaire. Destined to protect, and even die for my people if necessary.

I reside in the island of Valkayda. I am not even certain it is on a map, due to its minuscule size. The men, women, and children who inhabit this island, the Valkaydans, are a people who's sole purpose is to protect, and care for the dragons that inhabit our world; and destroy the infamous dragon hunters, who, if allowed, would wipe out the dragon race completely.

There are many jobs you can choose from, however it is not often up to the child to pick which one he or she desires. The jobs one must train for depends on the status of one's parents. For instance, my mother is the chieftess; a leader. Therefore, I must become a warrior. It is forbidden for a leader to ascend into power without proper warrior training. Valkaydan warriors are the only ones allowed to leave the wall of ice which surrounds our home. These cavaliers are not only battle strategists, but assassins, spies, dragon flight specialists, hand to hand combat experts, and crossbow snipers. This is why training takes so long. We must master all of these skills before graduating, and finally being allowed to leave the ice.

The dome of ice that separates us from the outside world is created by  the great Bewilderbeast. The only species of ice-spitting dragons known to the archipelago. They are the largest dragons to walk the earth, making them what we call "The King of Dragons". In other words, the Bewilderbeast's word is law to dragons. What the king of dragons says, goes.

Dragons will do whatever it takes to survive in our harsh, and hostile world. Much like my people. These creatures live in a constant state of what Valkaydans call "Survival Mode". Basically, if a more powerful dragon meets a less powerful dragon, the latter will submit to the former, and do anything it commands it to. It is the same with the Bewilderbeast, and other dragons. The Bewilderbeast is not only more powerful, but also extremely larger than any other dragon known to vikings. Other dragons cannot resist it. The state of survival mode lies so deep within their instincts, that they cannot help but do whatever this dragon commands. No matter the cost. I was to learn more about this later.

But today was only my third birthday, and I had much to learn before I discovered the true harshness of the world before me. I finally decided to sit up, and begin preparing for the day ahead of me. As I did so, however, the hairs on my neck stood up on end. Hot, humid air descended upon my face, as the scent of raw fish assaulted my nostrils. Although I was used to the stench, I did not find it any less appealing. I slowly craned my neck upward, to observe a large dragon towering over me.

"Cloudjumper!" I greeted giddily, raising my small hands up to grasp his scaly face.

I giggled, as the dragon made a sound in between gurgle, and a purr; sending more hot breath towards my face, blowing the tiny curls which surrounded my face.

I tried to stand on my tippy toes, but slipped on the animal furs which made up my bed, and  collapsed on the soft mattress in a fit of giggles.

I was so carefree in this moment, yet I had no idea that this would be the last one in quite some time. A laborious life was set before me, before I was even born.

I would learn how to fight, torture, and even kill. All before I was fifteen.

I was destined to be Valkayda's greatest warrior. There was no choosing my fate. Eventually, I would ascend to the stone seat on which my mother sits, and become chieftess.

Although I prayed that moment would not come for some time. Due to the fact that, in order for me to take the stone seat, My mother would have to die.

As I thought of my mother, I craned my neck to ascertain what she was doing. I witnessed her back to me, chopping something with the sharp blade her nimble hands possessed.

"Good morning, Tigly." She greeted lovingly.

"Good morning, Mother!" I answered excitedly, my voice filled with love and adoration for my beloved mother.

"Today is a big day my dear, you know that right?"

"Yes, mother." I replied, my tones holding a more serious aura now.

I knew exactly what she was talking about. This day was the day I would begin my training. It would be easy at first, but each course would hold its challenges.

Today was the day I would choose my dragon, and it me.

Afterwards My fellow classmates and I, would learn how to care for it, train it, and eventually ride it.

I did not know it in this moment, but today would be the catalyst of something greater to take place in my life.

Wonders, trials, discovery, adventure, and much more would shape me into the warrior I was meant to be.

However, this would not come for some time. I had so much to learn, and there was so much that I did not.

Little did I know that I was not an only child.

Little did I know of the world beyond the ice.

Little did I know of my father, and the fact that he wasn't dead like my mother told me.

Little did I know that I would become a vital part in this tale that has just begun.

Little did I know of myself, and how the outside world would change the sweet vibrant girl I once was, into a woman who has seen the evil of this world, and evolved with it; into something else.

Into a shadow, a phantom in the night.

Into a killer.

A fighter.

A ghost.

Little did I know of the legacy I would leave behind.

Little did I know that I would become the Ghost Rider.

My name is Tigly, and this is my story.

So the story may be kind of choppy for a while, because I'm rewriting come of the chapters. But thank you so much for your patience! If you like this chapter, then go ahead and vote. If not, then I'll try harder next time. Enjoy!

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