CHAPTER V: Revenge

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I woke up earlier than I usually did so I could get going before my mother stirred from her unconscious state. The night before, I had realized that Gregor was more of a coward than I thought he was. I knew that after the feeling of danger (A.K.A me pinning him down to the ground with my foot and whispering threats into his ear) had dissipated, he would not change his villainous, demeaning, cowardly ways. I knew that three things would inevitably take place this morning. One, he would be furious with me for not only challenging him, but revealing to everyone his cowardess that was tucked neatly under his seemingly fierce demeanor. That of course would result in me getting bullied at training today which I would not stand for in a million years; especially not on the last day of Dragon Training. Two, was that he would again pick on Vivian because she was shy and sweet; and it's those kind of loving people that bullies take advantage of and make their prey. And three, last but not least, I was going to get in a whole lot of trouble with my mom for getting back at Gregor today. Now that you've heard what's going to happen, let me tell you what I'm gonna do about it.
I carefully opened the woven basket that held an assorted collection of torn, ragged cloth used for cleaning. I rummaged quietly in the basket until I found the rag that I wanted. It was a dark brown which is almost the same exact color of Gregor's shirt and belt. I then took the filthy rag and and dipped it into the fish basket. I was careful not to rub the stench in too much so that no one but the dragons' sensitive noses would pick it up. Now, I'm sure this sounds confusing to you, so let me tell you my plan so you understand where I'm going with this. Today in Dragon Training class, we're learning stealth. To move quietly with our dragons without making the slightest sound. So if Gregor messes with either me or my best friend, which is inevitable, I would simply slip the rag between his belt and shirt. It would be the same color of his clothes, so no one would notice the oddly placed rag. Not until it was too late at least. The stench of the fish-smelling rag would drive the dragons insane with hunger and they would most likely stampede after him in the middle of stealth training! It was the perfect plan. I stuffed the smelly, old rag into my fur coat so it would somewhat muffle the stench emitting out of the rag from the dragons. Then, I shoved it next to my bed and quickly went back to sleep.
I felt my biceps being gently shook as I reluctantly opened my eyes. The prank! I thought as I recollected everything that had happened earlier. I sat straight up in bed and hurriedly climbed out of my covers to braid my hair and don my tunic "you seem to be in a rush today. My mother observed from behind me. I nearly jumped out of my skin, I was so nervous that I would get caught before I could even hatch my perfectly formulated plan. "Uh-yeah" I stammered. "I know you'd hate for the chieftess' daughter being late to her last day of Dragon Training." I replied, grinning at her trying to conceal my nervousness. She smiled, appearing to buy my fake answer. "Here" She offered, handing me a wooden glass filled to the brim with warm yak milk. "Thanks." I said in between gulps as I hurriedly guzzled the warm, refreshing liquids. It's so weird that I'm drinking something that came out of a yak's boobs. I mused; but I certainly wasn't complaining. Yak milk is probably the most delicious thing I've ever had. Except for chicken.
"Wait!" I heard my mother shout from behind me as I carried my coat with Amber walking next to me. "You forgot you barley loaves." She said, slightly out of breath after she caught up to me. "Oh yeah, thanks" I answered in appreciation but with haste as I was trying to get down to the training area to exact my revenge on Gregor. Vivian quickly joined my walk as I trotted past the opening in her cave. "Did you do the thing with the rag?" She asked tentatively. "Yeah I got it. It's wrapped up in my fur coat." I answered "aren't you cold?" She inquired in astonishment as she realized that I wasn't wearing my coat for the sake of the prank. "yeah, a little" I lied. I was freezing, but I didn't want Vivian to worry. Especially since the whole plan had come together on the walk back after Gregor had teased her. I knew she would feel guilty, and I couldn't have that. "Oh quit trying to act tough and stop walking with just your undergarments on! Just put the rag in between your belt and shirt underneath your coat!" She commanded. I hadn't thought of that. But then again, Vivian is the most reasonable of the two of us. I figured. I swiftly obeyed. I was much obliged to put my warm, comforting coat on.
As we walked into the training circle, I immediately spotted Gregor amidst his small group of equally menacing friends. Why am I not worried about them you might ask? It's because the only people that would ever follow Gregor around are weak, and in need of protection. Although, I wouldn't call Gregor much of a protector, considering that the only thing he cares about is himself, but maybe I'm just smarter than them. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that: by cutting the head off the snake,(A.K.A. Gregor) the rest of the body will fall apart (A.K.A his small group of slaves that do his bidding). As I walked pass him, I heard him say something "What was that?" I inquired, fully aware that I could take down Gregor in an instant; even without any combat training. " I said," Gregor continued, clearly annoyed. "You smell like you haven't taken a bath in days!" He shouted so everyone could get him. his friends started laughing at me, but I wasn't about to back down. I looked at Vivian, clearly angered by the situation, who balled her fists up by her sides, ready to strike. I waved my hand and gently placed it on one of her fists, telling her not to retaliate. "Stench can be washed off, Gregor, unlike your rancid personality." I retorted calmly. Yes! I thought to myself. Not only did he just insult me which gives me a plausible reason to strike, but I also got to use a comeback that I've been dying to utilize. A proud smirk began to edge its way onto my lips as I passed a speechless Gregor. "Great, now we have a reason to use our plan." Vivian whispered in my ear. "Hey tiny!" Gregor jeered. I cocked my head in his direction. I knew he was talking to me, because "tiny" is my derogatory nickname. "Anything you and mini Vivi would like to share with the class?" He asked in a menacing voice referring to our whispered conversation. "When you said tiny, were you referring to your minuscule brain? Because that's the only context into which that word fits." I asked rhetorically. His jeering smile was replaced with a sinister frown. I guess that saying about turning frowns upside down works oppositely in his case I mused. "You'll pay for that" he grumbled as he walked away defeated. His other companions followed him with their dragons closely at their side. Gregor has a Monstrous Nightmare for a companion, which I thought was considerably odd considering that Monstrous Nightmares have a remarkable amount of strength and courage; and Gregor has the lack there of.
As we stood in a row listening to the instructions for our lesson from Teacher Raeth,  I made sure to stand next to Gregor so I could slip the nasty rag neatly between his belt and shirt. I did so. Ha! He didn't even notice! I thought in triumph. I looked at Vivian, who returned my glances, and gave her a confirming nod basically signifying that the Terrible  Terror has landed, so to speak.
We were about to go through the obstacle course which is located in the woods, when all of the dragons, including Amber, finally directed their attention the the fish-like smelling rag. They began to nudge Gregor. Some of them even tried to nibble him! Gross! I thought. Gregor started getting really nervous. Especially when one of the dragons, a Rain Cutter, nudged him so hard that it knocked him to the ground. That's when he lost it. He immediately scrambled to his feet and sprinted across the green field, which we were at the edge of, looking towards the forest where the obstacle course was located. I've never seen anyone run that swiftly. He ran right across the large, green plane in roughly ten or twenty seconds, with the large stampede of dragons, that relentlessly followed him, close behind. Run for the river, run for the river. Don't be a fool! I prayed hopefully. If Gregor ran to the river, as soon as his dove into it, all the smell from the rag would dissipate. Yes, I wanted Gregor to get chased, of course, but I didn't want him dead. I looked at Vivian and I knew she was thinking the same thing. To our relief, however, Gregor finally came to his senses and headed toward the river. Let me tell you, I have never in my life seen someone run so fast into freezing cold water before. As soon as he dove into the icy water, the dragons stopped instantly at the loss of the scent that they were once tracking, completely confused. They all slowly sauntered back to where we were standing, completely given up. Everyone looked awestruck at the events that had just taken place minutes ago. Except for Vivian and myself, that is. We knew exactly what had occurred. "I can't believe that actually worked." I whispered to Vivian. "Yeah, me neither." She replied.
It wasn't until the dragons had returned calmly to us, that a terrified Gregor slowly crept his shivering body out of the river. He walked embarrassingly back to our group. "Um-ok" Teacher Raeth started, unsure of what to say because she too, had no idea about what had just happened. "Well, seeing that your completely soaked, I suppose you ought to return home, Gregor." He nodded, his eyes still as wide as sausages. "Everyone else will continue stealth training." She commanded in a louder voice. I looked at Vivian, who was frowning at the idea that our bully had just gotten the day off. "It's okay Vivian," I said to her reassuringly. "The guy had the scare of his life, and there's no way he's going to bother us after this. We succeeded in cutting the head off the snake." I continued proudly. As Gregor passed me to start his journey home to his hut,( thank the gods he didn't live in a cave because then I would have to pass him everyday on my way to class) I made contact with my enemy and gave him a wink, letting him know that it was Vivian and I who had just caused his crucible. He never really bothered us again after that.

Author's note: hey guys! I hope you really enjoyed this chapter! I'm sorry it took me little while to right, I was really busy and it kinda took me a while to correctly formulate this chapter. But just know that I really am trying for you guys. If you have any ideas at all that you want to input for future chapter ideas, let me know and I'll give you guys a shout out if you want!

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