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   Viggo finished dressing my wounds, and left in a hurry. He didn't want his father or brother knowing he was in any way emotionally connected with me, and neither did I. That would most likely earn me yet another beating. I wasn't sure how many of these I could take, but I was determined to make it out of this ordeal alive. Therefore, I didn't have time to surmise about what lay ahead for me. Only what was happening in that moment, and how I would get through it in one piece.

I couldn't help but wonder if my newfound friend would aid me in my escape. I honestly didn't know how far Viggo would take our friendship, and I didn't want to push it just yet. But it was worth the shot.

I didn't even know where to begin concerning me escape from this hell I had found myself in, but in every problem there is a solution. Sometimes you just have to search a little harder than you would like.

Playing dead came to mind. I could act like I had succumbed to my injuries around the time the guard came to feed me. I was in solitary confinement, so the guard wouldn't be able to actually determine wether or not I was faking it. That is, until he opens the door. After that, I could over power him, grab the keys, and escape in a life boat or something. Maybe Viggo could help me attain one of them, and give me some food and water to sustain me until I found land. It was a long shot, but it could work. After all, what did I have to lose?

However, I was much too tired and feeble to take on a guard who was well built, and at least twice my size. I would have to wait until my strength had fully returned. Then I would strike. 


   I found myself drifting off into a light sleep, due to the delicious meal I had received and the lessened pain from my multiple bruises, thanks to Viggo. My sleep was always light. We had been trained in Valkayda to not sleep too heavily. Many enemies slaughter their victims in their sleep, and none of us wanted to be added to that group.

 I don't normally dream, but for some reason I did this time. Perhaps it was because of all of the stress I had been through lately, or maybe it was because of the unusually large amount of food I had eaten nearly an hour ago. Either way, though, I did.

   I was standing in the open planes of Valhalla. It was so beautiful with its rolling hills, lush, green slopes, and soft viridian colored grass. It seemed to shimmer in the warm, golden sunlight. 

All of my worries seemed to melt away like gold under dragon fire. I began to wonder why I was here. Not that I was complaining, but I was still curious. Was I dead? I didn't know; but all of a sudden, death didn't seem so bad. Especially if this is where you end up. I lay down in the silk-like grass. It was even softer than the furs of my bed back in Valkayda. All I could do was gaze at the soft yellow sun, and revel in my overpowering peace and happiness.

 As I lay there, entranced by the beauty of the afterlife, a head blocked my view of the sun. 

I furrowed my eyebrows and squinted my eyes, trying to get a better look at the face. It was most definitely boy and, although the shadow cast over his face hid many of his features, there was still an outline of light that surrounded this mysterious head. I could tell by this outer lining of light that the boy's hair was a golden blonde.

He seemed familiar, but I couldn't remember why. Was it from the Northern Markets, one of the guards whose faces I knew well, an enemy, a friend?

Then recognition surrounded my thoughts. I knew who this person was.

It was Threk. 

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