CHAPTER XII: Unfortunate Turn Of Events

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   "How'd it go?" Vivian inquired after I had skidded to a stop, back at class and free from Threk's intolerable ramblings.

"Fine. I found the stuff I needed. My mom walked in after I gave him the antidote. He fell asleep and she thought I drugged him!" I couldn't help giggling at that last part. Although, it wasn't far from me to use such drastic tactics. I will not deny that the thought had crossed my mind when Threk blackmailed me. I wanted to drug him, and then send him off on a raft, never to be seen again, but I restrained myself.

"Threk's gonna be so confused." My best friend giggled.

I laughed. "Yeah, I know right! I hope I can get done with school in time to witness it."

"Now that you all appear to have finished the first task, it is now time to move onto the second." Mith stated, interrupting our amusing conversation.

   "What's the second?" Antin piped.

"Learning how to take off, hover, and land." My teacher answered. "Now, line up over here," She commanded, pointing to a clearing, "and file into two rows, so that each child in the first row, faces the child in the second. I will be in the middle, examining your performances."

We did as she said.

"Where's Threk?" Somebody queried, seeing that his dragon was unattended to.

Shit. I thought.

"Uh-He was feeling sick. He ate too many blue berries and got a stomach ache." I quickly lied. Well, it wasn't completely a lie, Threk did get sick because he ate berries, and those berries just happened to be the color, blue; and he probably would wake up with a stomach ache due to the concoction of herbs and roots I gave him.

"That was clever." Vivian whispered, who was in the row across from me.


"Now those with Gronkles, Deathsongs, Monstrous Nightmares, and Zipplebacks, gently grab their horns. For gronkles, grab the stubs of cartilage on their head." My teacher instructed.

We obeyed. I slowly wrapped my nimble fingers around Amber's midnight black, smooth horns. As I did so, I felt the strangest sensation. Until this day, I still can't completely divulge what happened. I'm not even sure how to explain it to you, but I will try my best. It felt like I was connected to my dragon completely. Like we were one, like my thoughts were her thoughts, my intentions her intentions, and vice versa. I felt powerful, like I could take off right now and take over the Dragon Hunter's entire operation single handedly. I didn't feel insecure. I felt in control. Like I knew exactly what I was doing and how to do it. I still feel this overpowering sensation everyday I mount Amber. It's never faded. It gives me strength to carry out my missions, and to do the things I do.

This feeling took over me in the matter of milliseconds.

   We did a couple take offs and landings, always hovering about five feet off the ground for about thirty seconds, before returning to the ground. 

I wish we could do some real flying. I lamented wistfully in the middle of our fourth TOHL (Take Off, Hover, Land).

And that is exactly what happened.

As soon as that thought went shooting through my mind, Amber went catapulting through the air, and slowed to a hover directly above the astounded class.

We were so high up, that I could could circumspect the whole ice-encrusted village.

I heard my teacher shouting profanities in my direction, although, due to the altitude, I couldn't ascertain what she was screeching. All the other kids seemed to be enjoying the spectacle, so I figured since I'm already up here, I might as well give them a show.

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