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   When I arrived at my cave, I quickly dressed and raced through the air atop Amber, to meet Threk and Vivian at his hut; my dripping hair still clinging to my freckled neck.

   "Hey Viv's, hey Threk!" I greeted as I marched through the wooden door and into Threk's hut.

"Good morning m'lady" Threk replied nonchalantly, as he was bent over an old parchment.

"Nice armor!" Vivian complimented.

"Thanks, you don't look bad yourself!"

Now, normally at a graduation ceremony we wear Celtic dresses adorned with honors we received from that class, but today was different. Today wasn't much of a ceremony, it was more of a coronation for me, and afterwards we go to battle. As I mentionEd before, a new Dragon Protector must plan and execute an attack as his or hers declaration of coming of age, so to speak. If we did not succeed, we were kicked out of the clan. I know this seems harsh, but it's what we must do to keep Valkayda strong. This way, only the best of the best inhabit Valkayda.

And I had the perfect attack plan.

"Why is your hair wet anyway?" Threk queried.

"Yeah, where did you go this morning? I saw you leave your cave before dawn." Vivian said.

"I went hunting for food, and then I went bathing in that pond with the waterfall in the forest?"

"Wait, the one we called Oden's spring?" Vivian inquired.

"Yeah." I chuckled, remembering why we called it that.

(A/N when it's italicized and underlined, it's a flashback.)

My two best friends and I, splashed about in the cool, refreshing water which we bathed in every Tuesday.

Threk and I were having a splash fight, when the water started bubbling by Threk.

"Awww Threk!" I whined, "You had an extra serving of lentils didn't you!"

"They were so good though!" He whined back.

The water started bubbling again.

"Threk, that's disgusting!" Vivian scolded.

"It's not me! It's uh- Oden speaking to us!" I stated, trying to cover up his gas problem.

We all began cackling at the funny muse that often would be talking to us through Threk's farts.

"Hey Threk, can you get Scorch to dry my hair? It's sopping wet." I petitioned

"Scorch, Dry." He ordered.

Immediately, Scorch marched over to me, shaking the wooden floor with his gigantuous body as he did so. He opened his mouth, and ignited a small flame within his jaws.

I stood a few feet away from him absorbing the warm, comforting heat that was emitting from my best friend's monstrous nightmare. Every time the dragon breathed out, the fiery air slowly dried my soggy hair.

In about ten minutes, my hair was completely dry, but messy, nonetheless.

"Amber, can you come here for a sec?" I beckoned.

She trotted over, making the floor shake yet again. But by now, we were all used to having dragons in the house.

"See, Threk? This is why caves are so much better. the ground doesn't shake underneath you, like your feeble wooden floors!" I teased.

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