CHAPTER XIV: This is Goodbye

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Threk finally left for his own home after he and I had both eaten some barley bread to satiate our growling stomachs.

I had three slices.

Threk, however, hard two loaves.

"What can I say," he had uttered "being high really bumps up your metabolism."

I chuckled at the thought of Threk being high, although it had been an embarrassing catastrophe for him, it was quite entertaining to me.

I patiently waited for my mother to come striding through the opening in our cave, but it hadn't happened yet.

Two hours had passed.

Then three.

Then three and a half.

Finally she burst through the cave and began grabbing bread, a yak skin bottle full of water, and shuffled through her clothing.

" you mind telling me what your doing?!" I worriedly inquired, slightly annoyed that my mother had not yet paid any attention to her one and only child.

"I've been suddenly sent on a mission. I'm not sure when I'll be back."

A look of bewilderment edged its way onto my face. I didn't understand. She's the chieftess. Can't she say no? What is so important that she must leave herself instead of sending someone else?

After I momentarily recovered from my stunned state, I finally regained my courage and voiced my confusion.

"Why can't you send someone else? Why can't you stay here with me? What is so dangerous and important that you would have to leave your tribe?!" I showered her with questions.

My mother shortly paused her rummaging and packing to answer my many inquiries.

"Tigly, my dear, there is a bad man out there," she started, pointing out at the distance. "That wants to make dragons extinct. He wants to kill them all in the name of gold; and destroy anyone that gets in his way." My mother quickly explained. She paused a while, letting me soak in the terrifying information that she had just uttered to me.

And I was back in my state of shock.

"That means us Tigly." She continued slowly.

Now I understood. If she didn't go out to fight, this man, or more of a monster than a human it seemed, would decimate everything that we had built, and annihilate everything my mother and I held most most precious.

Including Amber.

"Go." I uttered in a small voice, wanting my mother to go, but wanting her to come back.

"Thank you for understanding, my love."

With that my mother kissed me on the forehead, and rushed back out into the night.

"Come back to me!" I pleaded.

"I will. I promise."

Little did I know how long it would take for my beloved mother to fulfill her promise.

Hey guys! I know the chapter's short, but there's another update coming super soon so don't hate me! Thanks for all of your support, and don't forget to VOTE!

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