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Though I hated to admit it, I was glad for his company. He was beginning to grow on me more than I would like. Nevertheless, I was stuck with him; but I wouldn't have had it any other way.

After a few moments of waiting, Viggo returned with the game board. Adorning it were the perfectly polished pieces for playing Maces and Talons.

As we took part in the game, each of us trying to out-strategize the other, we simply talked. We talked of many things, such as: what we enjoyed to do, some of the stupidest things we ever did, pranks we pulled on others and things of the like.

We spoke to each other, not as captor and captive, but as friends trying to get to know each other better. The bars of my cell seemed to melt away like lava as we shared laughs, crazy stories and small talk.

"-after we realized how fast Rumblehorns could run, we instantly regretted startling them awake with my horn. I have to say, I had no idea I could climb up a tree so fast." I divulged to Viggo, as I finished telling him about the time Threk, Vivian and I thought it would be funny to scare a herd of Rumblehorns awake.

He let out a hearty laugh as he made a move on the board.

"I would have paid good money to see you being chased by a herd of Rumblehorns." He told me as he wiped away tears of laughter from his eyes.

"Yeah you think it's funny now, but just wait until you get chased by one. I'm telling you, it's a lot more terrifying than it sounds." I stated, pouting half-heartedly as I folded my arms across my arms. I tried to act mad about the fact that Viggo thought it was funny that I was almost trampled by a herd of Rumblehorns, but I couldn't hold it any longer and burst out laughing.

"What about you? Have you ever done anything stupid in your youth?" I inquired, desperate for something stupid to tease him about.

"Well," he started out slowly, obviously reluctant to share something I could laugh at him about. "There was this time when I was a young boy. I went with my father on one of his business trips. Obviously, we took a ship to get to our destination. Well, it was in the middle of winter and I was particularly cold one night. It was at this time that I realized that no one had lit a fire yet. In fact, no one seemed to light fires to keep warm by during the duration of out trip. I, of course, thought they were complete mutton heads for being so idiotic. So, I decided to show my father that I was smarter than anyone on the ship, even though they were older than me-"

"Pride cometh before the fall." I quoted smugly, already knowing where this was headed.

"Yes well, nobody had told me that." He answered slightly agitated. "Now will you please shut up and let me continue the story?"

I rolled my eyes, but allowed him to continue.

"Anyway, I gathered what I could into the middle of the deck of the ship. I'm actually surprised that no one paid attention to the strange thing I was doing, but I suppose they just assumed that I was playing some childish game. After I had piled up enough wood, cloth and other flammable materials, I took one of the torches that lined the dark halls of the hull below deck, and lit the pile on fire. 'Alas.' I thought, 'I can be warm. I wonder why no one thought of this.' After scarcely a minute had passed, the crew began yelling at me to put out the fire. I of course, being as stubborn as a yak, refused. The crew had to wake my father to fetch me and put out the fire."

I burst out laughing at such a ridiculous story. I could only imagine the horror on Krom's face when he witnessed his son nearly damning them all to a terrible death at sea.

"It may be funny now, but it was not funny then." Viggo grumbled.

I tried to stifle my giggles, but failed miserably.

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