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Firm. That is the first thing that came to my groggy mind.

The ground beneath me was firm. It was not swirling currents or rippling waves, it was sturdy.

I'm not in the ocean anymore. That is for certain. I deduced.

I was also warm and comfortable.

Finally forcing my eyes open, I spotted a fire on the opposite side of what looked like a cave.

Beside the fire with its back to me, was a small figure hunched over something.

Grinding sounds could also be heard in that direction.

The flames from the fire created haunting, ominous shadows against the stone walls.

I slowly sat up and circumspected the rest of the cave.

At the very back of this chasm, was a large creature who was obviously sleeping.

It's armor or scales, I couldn't quite tell which one it was, gleamed in the flickering light of the fire.

Suddenly, it dawned on me all at once.

"Razorwhip" I whispered in awe. We had little to no visits from these dragons back at Valkayda. I myself had only seen one once.

"That's right." The hunched-over figure confirmed.

It's a girl. I figured out.

"Who are you?" I enquired, my voice extremely hoarse from lack of water.

"I could ask you the same question." She countered as she stood up and strode over to me.

I glared at her until she divulged her identity.

She sighed. "I'm Heather."

I nodded, but remained silent.

In her hands was a small bowl and a pestle.

So that's where the grinding noise was coming from. I wonder what it is.

"This is some ground herbs for your back. It should speed up the healing process." She stated as if she could read my mind.

"Could I have some water, please?" I queried.

"Of course." Heather answered, handing me a water-holding Yak skin.

I gratefully accepted it, gulping down the refreshing substance.

"Turn around, I'm going to put this stuff on your back." She announced.

I did as I was told. My back still felt as though it was on fire.

Given that my shirt was still ripped from the bottom almost up to the top, my wounds were easy to access.

"So who are you, really?" She questioned.

"I am Tigly, daughter of Valka, chief of Valkayda."

"Wow your mom named a whole clan after herself." Heather teased.

"No, it just happened to sound like that. Valkaydans have ruled way before my mother was ever taken in by them and their dragons."

"Wait, you've been around dragons?" Heather interrogated, her voice sounding eager and astonished.

"Well, yeah. We took care of them. We had a sort of refuge program there. It is what we live for...Well, lived for."

"What do you mean lived for? Why is it past tense?" She continued to grill as she finished rubbing the ointment on my back.

My eyes became glossy with tears threatening to spill over like a waterfall of sorrow.

"They are all dead. Every one of them." I explained.

"Now I know for a fact that's not true."


"I know someone who knows someone who gave a Bewilderbeast to this Valka lady recently. I don't know about the others, but there is no way she's dead."

My face paled at this astonishing news.

My mother is alive?!

I said nothing for a long while after hearing the news. Neither of us spoke up and broke the silence.

It wasn't awkward though, it was just a long moment of silent contemplation.

During this quiet moment, a flood of realization washed over me.

I'm free. Finally, I am free! I can do whatever I want now! I have to find Amber first, then I will continue the search for my brother.

"My dragon. I have a dragon. We have to find her!" I desperately told Heather.

"You have a dragon? What kind?"

"A Deathsong. Twilight is the subspecies."

"A Twighlight Deathsong, huh? Those are rare. They're black and blue right?"

"Yeah that's it!"

"I only know of one place that has a dragon like that."

"Where? We need to go there now!"

"Yeah I don't think so. Look, I just met you, and I don't quite have enough attachment to you to go on a suicide mission for you just yet."

"Suicide mission?! Where exactly is this place?!" I was getting angrier and more desperate by the second. I had to get her back. There was no way in hell I was letting Amber die.

"This place is run by Dragon Hunters, and by the looks of your back, I'd say you already know who they are."

I shrugged.

"Now, Deathsongs are very strong, very big dragons. Which means your dragon is going to be heavily guarded and restrained from head to tail with chains. If we are going to break her out, we need to get you back up to your full strength first. I can't fight that many Dragon Hunters by myself, even with Windshear."

"Windshear's your dragon?" I inquired.


"There is something else too, Heather. I'm looking for my brother."

"Okay, what does he look like, maybe I've seen him."

"Yeah, that's the predicament. I've only met him once, so I don't really know what he looks like anymore."

"Do you know his name?"

"Hiccup. Hiccup Haddock."

Hey! Sorry this chapter is so short, I just really wanted to get this one out there.

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