The Tea

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"You kissed him?" Jennifer asks, closing Lilly and Dylan in the bedroom with her.

"It was a whim thing." Lilly shrugs.

"Do you think he's hot?" Dylan asks.

"I don't know him!" Lilly shrugs.

"But you kissed him, and you brought him here!" Jennifer argues.

"He wanted to come with me. I'm just hoping to scare him off." Lilly shrugs.

"Do you-?" Dylan wiggles her eyebrows.

"Stop!" Lilly rolls her eyes.

"Why would you kiss him?" Jennifer asks.

"He wanted my name, but I wouldn't tell him. When I was going to leave, he asked for a 'thank you'." Lilly explains.

"So you kiss him?" Dylan asks.

"Can we just drop this?" Lilly asks, embarrassed and annoyed.

"You kissed him!" Jennifer smiles.

"Drop it!" Lilly snaps, as she leaves the bedroom.

"YOU KISSED HIM!" Jennifer yells.


Lilly growls as she walks back to Neal.


"Things are going well I hear." Neal teases.

"You did that on purpose?" Lilly glares at Neal.

"I thought it'd be fun." Neal shrugs.

"Thanks a lot. You can leave now!" Lilly crosses her arms.

"Oh no, you invited me here! I think your friends like me too." Neal shakes his head.

"I never said I like you!" Lilly points out.

"Your lips said you do." Neal smiles.

"That was a song." Lilly rolls her eyes.


Neal bites his lip.


"Oh whatever! That wasn't anything." Lilly blushes as she glares at Neal.

"You sure?" Neal teases.

"I don't even know you!" Lilly points out.

"But you did it anyway, and here we are." Neal gestures around.

"I want to shove you down the fire escape." Lilly glares at Neal.

"I'm just teasing Lilly." Neal chuckles.


Lilly turns away as her blush deepens.


"You guys planning your future?" Jennifer teases, as she and Dylan leave the bedroom.

"She's going to push me down the fire escape." Neal nods.

"She likes you!" Dylan snorts.

"I do not!" Lilly scoffs.

"Why is your face crimson then?" Jennifer teases.

"You know what. Why don't you keep him, I'm done!" Lilly tosses her hands.

"Lilly!" Jennifer sighs.


Lilly pushes Neal aside, as she exits through the window.


"Linda! Linda listen here you little bitch!" Dylan waddles to the window.


Neal laughs.


Lilly glares at Dylan through the window.


"You get back in here, and spill the tea!" Dylan demands.

"Piss off." Lilly says, as she climbs down the fire escape.

"Linda!" Dylan snaps.


Neal takes a step towards the window.


"Let her go." Jennifer advices, as she grabs Neal's arm.

"Isn't that what they always say, but I'm supposed to get the girl anyway?" Neal jokingly asks.

"It's your funeral." Jennifer raises her hands defensively.


Dylan stands aside.


Neal shakes his head, and he climbs out the window.

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