Storybrooke Tour

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"You know Dylan. You seem like the book type." David says, as he unlocks the library.

"Ex'squueze me?" Dylan says in a sassy tone.

"We need someone to run the library. It's been kind of lonely." David shrugs, as he opens the doors.

"Wow!" Dylan says, as she steps inside.

"This place could use some love." Jennifer agrees.


Dylan walks around looking at the dusty bookshelves, ripped books, and filthy floor.


"Do the lights work?" Jennifer asks.

"That's about all that works." David nods.

"Would I have to buy this place?" Dylan asks, looking over her shoulder at David.

"No, just talk to Mr. Gold. He'd give you the deed and the keys." David shrugs.

"Who's Mr. Gold?" Dylan asks.

"I'm surprised you didn't see him in the diner." David chuckles. "He's an older gentleman. He walks with a cane."


Dylan's eyes widen.


Mr. Gold sounds like the man, who was eyeing Lilly.


"Is something wrong?" David asks.

"No." Dylan lies.


"What job could I have?" Jennifer asks.

"I could use help at the station. Would you want to be, the town's sheriff?" David smiles.

"Are you kidding? I'd be totally badass!" Jennifer smiles.

"Let's go talk to Mr. Gold." David chuckles, as he leads the woman out.


A little shop bell rings, a short limp man walks out from the back, and three customers enter.


"Ah two new faces I see." The short man smiles.

"Mr. Gold this Jennifer." David gestures to the blonde next to him.

"Jennifer." Mr. Gold nods.


Jennifer waves.

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