Full house

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Neal wakes up hours later, to an empty bed, and lots of noise coming from the kitchen.


Neal pulls himself out of bed, and then he makes his way towards the kitchen.


"Hey!" Jennifer squeals.


Lilly's laughter follows, along with laughter from little boys, and Dylan's squawking.


"Get him Auntie!" A little boy yells.


"Hey! I have a baby!" Lilly yells, with a laugh.


Pans clang together.


"Back off, I mean it!" Jennifer scolds.


Neal walks into the kitchen to find Jennifer covered in flour, Dylan crouching on the counter top, two little boys of different ages at the table, Lilly holding the baby close to her side while holding her closed fist above her head, and some man having a standoff with Lilly.


"What's going on?" Neal asks confused.

"Oh hey Neal, you stayed after all." Jennifer smiles.


The two boys at the table, turn on their chairs to look at Neal.


Neal's taken aback at the sight of the young boys.


Both boys have short kept dark brown hair, one has brown eyes, and the other has blue eyes. They both look, exactly like Lilly.

"Touch my baby and I'll end you!" Lilly warns, continuing her standoff.


Jennifer snaps her fingers, getting Neal's attention.


Neal looks up to see Dylan getting off the counter.


"Never start something you can't finish m'lady." The man teases.

"You're not that Charming sir." Lilly narrows her eyes.

"That hurts." The man jokes, lowering his guard.


Lilly takes her chance, she throws the flour in her hand at him, and she runs.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2018 ⏰

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