A New Place

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"Guys wake up." Jennifer says, as she stretches.

"Where are we?" Lilly asks, as she opens her eyes.

"Storybrooke." Jennifer shrugs.

"That sounds suspiciously made up." Dylan yawns.

"It was the closest town, to stop for food and gas... Maybe somewhere to sleep too." Jennifer says, as she gets out of the car.


Lilly gets out of the car to stretch.


"It's small at least." Dylan says, as she stumbles out of the car.

"Come on let's get some food." Jennifer says, as she walks towards the diner they're parked in front of.

"Granny's?" Lilly says out loud.

"Get food is really good. You'll enjoy it." A gentleman with dirty blonde hair, bright soft blue eyes, and a charming heart melting smile.


Jennifer's breath catches in her throat.


"Are you guys new to town?" The man asks, with a smile.

"Yeah we're trying to find, a home." Lilly shrugs.

"If you like quiet, with mild excitement, and really friendly residents. Storybrooke is a great place." The man nods. "I'm David, Nolan."

"I'm Jennifer." Jennifer eagerly offers her hand.

"Hi Jennifer." David smiles, shaking her hand.

"I'm Dylan." Dylan smiles.

"Dylan." David nods.

"Lilly." Lilly waves.

"Hi Lilly." David waves with a smile.


"So you recommend, Storybrooke as a place to live?" Jennifer asks, as she looks David up and down.

"Definitely. I like living here." David nods.

"Could you show us around?" Jennifer asks.


Lilly snorts at Jennifer.


"Sure, sure. Why don't I come back here in an hour, and I'll show you guys around." David smiles.

"That'd be great." Jennifer smiles, with flirty eyes.

"I'll see you ladies in an hour." David chuckles as he walks away.


"Oh I could definitely live here." Jennifer bites her lip, watching David walk away.

"Spiiiiicy." Dylan giggles.

"Picking a place to live, involves more than some-"

"I want his babies!" Jennifer looks at Lilly.

"Okay horny bean. We need safety too, not just sex." Lilly laughs.

"David could protect me." Jennifer smirks.

"I'm getting food." Lilly shakes her head.

"David is gorgeous." Jennifer groans.

"Food first." Dylan pushes Jennifer towards the diner.

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