Promise kept

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*SpongeBob Narrative voice*

Two years later.


"Hey... Shhhh... My love." Lilly whispers, with a smile.


Lilly stands in the corner of her room, with the bedroom window wide open, and a nightlight as her only source of light.


Lilly stands up straight. Just as someone, falls through her window.


The person makes an audible, "thud" on the floor. Followed by them groaning in pain.


Lilly gasps, and she reaches for her book weight. She holds it in her hand, while she approaches the person.


"Shit its dark in here." The person comments.


Lilly drops the book weight.


The person looks up, their hood falls back, and they smile innocently.


"Bae?" Lilly asks.

"Hey Babe." Neal smiles wider.

"Bae!" Lilly tackles him with a hug on the floor.

"Whoa...!" Neal groans. The wind gets knocked out of him.


Lilly giggles as she falls on top of Neal, Neal ends up on his back, and he tries holding Lilly steady.


"Did you miss me?" Neal asks, looking up at Lilly.

"Yeah." Lilly nods, causing her hair to fall in front of her face.

"But?" Neal asks, moving Lilly's hair behind her ears.

"I didn't think you'd, actually find me." Lilly shrugs.

"Lilly I-"


A baby starts to fuss, in the background.


Neal stares at Lilly confused.


"My grape!" Lilly quickly gets to her feet.

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