Warming up?

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Lilly hisses in pain, as she tries putting weight on her scrapped up knee.


"Okay, you know what." Neal climbs through Lilly's window.


Lilly looks up confused, as Neal steps into her apartment.


"What are you-?"

"I appreciate and find it very hot, how independent and strong you are." Neal begins.


Lilly laughs with a roll of her eyes.


"But right now, I'm not dealing with your stubborn ass." Neal forces a smile.

"Neal I-"


Neal leans forward, picking Lilly up bridal style.


"Neal!" Lilly squeals.

"Feel free to stop fighting." Neal teases, while he carries Lilly to the bathroom.


In the bathroom, Neal carefully puts Lilly back on her feet.


"So where do you keep your supplies?" Neal asks, as he looks around.

"Why don't you go back out the window...? And let me take care of myself?" Lilly says annoyed.


Neal looks Lilly up and down.


Lilly furrows her brow.


Neal locks eyes with Lilly and he smirks.


"Okay I'm uncomfortable." Lilly comments.

"Supplies?" Neal asks, with a chuckle.

"Top drawer of the vanity, and the closet." Lilly points.

"Cool." Neal nods, as he grabs what he needs.


Lilly sits on the side of her tub, she rests her arms on her knees, and she stares at the floor.


Neal turns around to face Lilly, his hands full, and his smile drops.


"Hey." Neal kneels in front of Lilly.


Lilly doesn't look up.


"Hey..." Neal rests his hand on Lilly's.


Lilly looks up being pulled from her thoughts, she's confused, and she makes a face at Neal.


"Are you okay?" Neal asks concerned.

"Yeah... Why wouldn't I be?" Lilly scoffs.

"You know you're kind of annoying." Neal shakes his head.

"Thanks." Lilly sighs, as she sits up.


Neal grabs a wash cloth, and he wets it with some peroxide.


"I don't mean it's you in general." Neal explains, as he dabs Lilly's knee.


Lilly cringes.


"But when you turn nasty on me." Neal pushes roughly on Lilly's knee.

"Ow!" Lilly punches Neal's arm.

"Ow! Shit! You hit like a dude!" Neal says shocked, as he holds his arm.

"I have two brothers, and a tomboy sister." Lilly forces a smile. "Now it's bleeding more! This is why I didn't-"

"Hey! No! Nope!" Neal grabs both of Lilly's wrists.


Lilly glares at Neal.


"No more fighting." Neal demands. "You're going to let me help you."

"And if I don't?" Lilly asks annoyed.

"I'll keep you in the bathroom with me." Neal shrugs.

"Because your presence, is the worst thing in the world." Lilly laughs.

"Excuse me?" Neal asks surprised.

"Nothing. Continue with what you were doing." Lilly rolls her eyes.

"Did you just, hint that you like me?" Neal teases.

"Absolutely not!" Lilly shakes her head.

"But you like having me around?" Neal smiles.


Lilly looks away from Neal.


Neal chuckles.

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