The Frightened Little Girl

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"There that was painless." Neal says, as he places a Band-Aid on Lilly's knee.

"Thanks, Dad." Lilly says sarcastically.

"Never call me that again!" Neal says annoyed.

"Ooh! So he does have some fire in him." Lilly teases.

"Am I ever going to crack your puzzle?" Neal asks, shaking his head.

"Nope." Lilly smiles.

"Sweetheart one of these days you're-"


Pounding on the front door scares Lilly.


Lilly's heart begins to race, her palms sweat, and she tries hiding her body shaking in fear.


Neal looks up at Lilly.


Lilly holds her breath, hoping it's just the mail man or something.


"It's me baby girl. Open up." A voice says, outside of the door.


Lilly feels like vomiting, and she really starts to panic.


Neal sees Lilly's face turn pale.


"Come on baby girl." The man pleads.


"No... No... No..." Lilly stands up and she starts looking around. "No he's not supposed-! This can't be happening! Please!" Lilly's breath is shaky, she rests her hands on her head, and her eyes tear up.

"Whoa-! Whoa-! Whoa-!" Neal gently grabs Lilly's shoulders.

"He's not supposed-! This isn't his pattern! Neal!" Lilly begins to breakdown.

"What Lilly, who is out there?" Neal asks confused.

"My fa-ther." Lilly chokes on the word.


Neal holds his breath.


Instead of the strong, mild pain in the ass, and feisty woman Neal's seen constantly. The broken, completely frightened, and hurt little girl Lilly hides deep within herself. Is now standing in front of Neal.


"Open up! Don't make me ask you again!" The man grows angry.


"He's going to kick the door in again! I don't have time to run! I can't run..." Lilly continues to panic.

"Lilly! Lilly breathe!" Neal tries to stay calm.


"Lilly!" The man shouts, as he pounds on the door.


Lilly drops to the floor, hitting her back on the tub.


"Lilly!" Neal kneels down. "Are you okay?"


Lilly looks up at Neal, her mask is back on.


"I'm fine!" Lilly snaps, her heart still racing. "I have to go, we have to go!"


Neal furrows his brow.


"Move Neal!" Lilly snaps, shoving him back.


Neal falls back, while Lilly gets to her feet.


"That's it!" The man yells, kicking Lilly's door.


"Neal!" Lilly screams, as she runs out of the bathroom.


Neal gets to his feet, and he runs out of the bathroom.


The man kicks again, getting the door open.


"Go!" Lilly shoves Neal towards and out the window.


Neal turns to the window, while Lilly starts to climb through, and he offers his hand.


Lilly tries reaching to Neal, but she's yanked back in by her foot.


Lilly's screams and she disappears into the apartment.


"Hey! Leave her alone!" Neal shouts.


The man slams the window shut, and he locks it keeping Neal out.


"No!" Neal shouts.

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